Fair Game (2010) DVDSCR A¢aseeders: 0
leechers: 1
Fair Game (2010) DVDSCR A¢a (Size: 423.66 MB)
Fair Game (2010) DVDSCR û 425MB û scOrp
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0977855/ [FORMAT]:ààààààà..[ Matroska [AWARDS]:ààààààà..[ 1 win & 3 nominations [GENRE]:àààààààà[ Action | Biography | Drama | Thriller [FILE SIZE]:àààààà..[ 425 MiB [NO OF CDs]:àààààà..[ 1 [RESOLUTION]:àààààà.[ 720*304 [ASPECT RATIO]:ààààà..[ 2.35.1 [FRAME RATE]:àààààà.[ 23.976 fps [LANGUAGE ]:àààààà..[ English [SUBTITLES]:àààààà..[ none [ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:àààà.[ 01:47:00 [RELEASE RUNTIME]:àààà..[ 01:42:00 [SOURCE]:ààààààà..[ toxic.iNK [ENCODERS NOTES]:ààààà[ Although small sized re encoding is a flawed concept but still we always strive very very hard to preserve MAXIMUM DETAILS within our rips. Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy working on em Plame Related Torrents
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