[NoobSubs] Studio Ghibli Movies 1984-2014 MP4 - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind~Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä | Laputa Castle in the Sky~Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa | Grave of the Fireflies~Hotaru no Haka | My Neighbour Totoro~Tonari no Totoro | Kiki's Deliv...seeders: 9
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[NoobSubs] Studio Ghibli Movies 1984-2014 MP4 - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind~Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä | Laputa Castle in the Sky~Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa | Grave of the Fireflies~Hotaru no Haka | My Neighbour Totoro~Tonari no Totoro | Kiki's Deliv... (Size: 75.36 GB)
Description![]() This is the MP4 Version. Click here for the Dual Audio MKV version. This torrent includes every Studio Ghibli film ever made since its founding. Most of them have multichannel audio (when available), are in Japanese and are hardsubbed. All were converted from very high quality 1080p sources. I think you guys will really like this. Enjoy! Includes: Note: "subs" doesn’t always equal "source". Some have better sources. – (1984) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä // [REVO] – (1986) Laputa Castle in the Sky / Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa // THORA – (1988) Grave of the Fireflies / Hotaru no Haka // Re-styled [Kametsu] – (1988) My Neighbour Totoro / Tonari no Totoro // THORA – (1989) Kiki’s Delivery Service / Majo no Takkyuubin // [niizk] – [REVO] – (1991) Only Yesterday / Omoide Poroporo // [Fussoir] – [NoobSubs] – (1992) Porco Rosso / Kurenai no Buta // [niizk] – [REVO] – (1993) Ocean Waves / Umi ga Kikoeru // Re-styled [Anonymoose] – (1994) Pom Poko / Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko // Re-styled [Fussoir] – (1995) Whisper of the Heart / Mimi o Sumaseba // [Coalgirls] – (1997) Princess Mononoke / Mononoke Hime // [REVO] – (1999) My Neighbors the Yamadas / Houhokekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun // THORA – (2001) Spirited Away / Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi // [Coalgirls] – (2002) The Cat Returns / Neko no Ongaeshi // [HQR] – [NEETgirl] – (2004) Howl’s Moving Castle / Howl no Ugoku Shiro // THORA – (2006) Tales from Earthsea / Gedo Senki // THORA – (2008) Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea / Gake no Ue no Ponyo // [REVO] – (2010) The Secret World of Arrietty / Karigurashi no Arrietty // Re-styled THORA-UTW – (2011) From Up On Poppy Hill / Kokuriko-zaka Kara // THORA – (2013) The Tale of the Princess Kaguya / Kaguya-hime no Monogatari // Re-styled [Fussoir] – (2013) The Wind Rises / Kaze Tachinu // [REVO] – (2014) When Marnie Was There / Omoide no Marnie // [jm] Title(s): Kaze no Tani no Naushika, Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Nausicaä, Warriors of the Wind Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa, Castle in the Sky, Laputa, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Laputa: The Flying Island Hotaru no Haka, Grave of the Fireflies, Tombstone for Fireflies Tonari no Totoro, My Neighbour Totoro, Totoro Majo no Takkyuubin, Kiki`s Delivery Service, Witch’s Express Delivery, Witch`s Delivery Service Omoide Poroporo, Omohide Poro Poro, Only Yesterday, Memories Like Falling Rain Drops, Memories Like Falling Teardrops, Memories of Teardrops, Memories of Yesterday Kurenai no Buta, Porco Rosso, Crimson Pig, The Scarlet Pig Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko, Pom Poko, Pompoko, Heisei Era Raccoon War The Raccoon War Mimi o Sumaseba, Whisper of the Heart, If You Listen Closely, If you listen carefully Mononoke Hime, Princess Mononoke Houhokekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun, My Neighbors the Yamadas Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi, Spirited Away Neko no Ongaeshi, The Cat Returns, The Cat Returns the Favor, The Cat`s Repayment Howl no Ugoku Shiro / Howl`s Moving Castle Gedo Senki, Tales from Earthsea, Ged`s War Chronicles Ocean Waves, Umi ga Kikoeru, I Can Hear the Sea, I can hear the ocean Gake no Ue no Ponyo, Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, Ponyo Karigurashi no Arrietty, The Secret World of Arrietty, The Borrower Arrietty, The Borrowers, Arrietty the Borrower, Arrietty Kokuriko-zaka Kara, Coquelicot-zaka Kara, From Up On Poppy Hill Kaguya-hime no Monogatari, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, The Tale of Princess Kaguya Kaze Tachinu, The Wind Rises Omoide no Marnie, When Marnie Was There Video: Multiple Very High Quality 1080p Sources -> 1280x692p/1280x690p MP4 Audio: English/Japanese 1.0/2.0/5.0/5.1 channel AC3 English/Japanese 1.0/2.0 channel AAC Subs: Multiple sources Come visit my new site at http://noobsubs.net for more re-encodes. Compatible with XBOX360/XBOXONE/PLAYSTATION 3/PS4/DXVA/SAMSUNG GALAXY/PHONES/MOST MP4 DEVICES. Please Seed! Related Torrents
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