| | Actions Palette.psp | 24.8 KB |
| | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Prefs.psp | 153.09 KB |
| | Color Settings.csf | 712.23 KB |
| | LaunchEndFlag.psp | 12 bytes |
| | PluginCache.psp | 802.32 KB |
| | commands.atn | 3.09 KB |
| | frames.atn | 41.32 KB |
| | Image Effects.atn | 23.22 KB |
| | production.atn | 7.87 KB |
| | Text Effects.atn | 40.11 KB |
| | textures.atn | 52.76 KB |
| | Video Actions.atn | 39.04 KB |
| | Blue Filter.blw | 294 bytes |
| | Green Filter.blw | 318 bytes |
| | High Contrast Blue Filter.blw | 294 bytes |
| | High Contrast Red Filter.blw | 294 bytes |
| | infrared.blw | 294 bytes |
| | Maximum Black.blw | 294 bytes |
| | Maximum White.blw | 294 bytes |
| | Neutral Density.blw | 294 bytes |
| | Red Filter.blw | 314 bytes |
| | Yellow Filter.blw | 310 bytes |
| | Assorted Brushes.abr | 19.93 KB |
| | Basic Brushes.abr | 24.63 KB |
| | Calligraphic Brushes.abr | 736 bytes |
| | Drop Shadow Brushes.abr | 13.27 KB |
| | Dry Media Brushes.abr | 1.04 MB |
| | Faux Finish Brushes.abr | 116.73 KB |
| | Natural Brushes 2.abr | 75.52 KB |
| | Natural Brushes.abr | 20.11 KB |
| | Special Effect Brushes.abr | 2.52 MB |
| | Square Brushes.abr | 2.27 KB |
| | Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha | 44 bytes |
| | Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha | 44 bytes |
| | Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha | 44 bytes |
| | Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha | 44 bytes |
| | Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha | 44 bytes |
| | Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha | 44 bytes |
| | ANPA Colors.aco | 13.97 KB |
| | DIC Color Guide.aco | 42.42 KB |
| | DIC Swatch ReadMe.txt | 812 bytes |
| | FOCOLTONE Colors.aco | 35.67 KB |
| | HKS E Process.aco | 2.69 KB |
| | HKS E.aco | 2.74 KB |
| | HKS K Process.aco | 2.69 KB |
| | HKS K.aco | 2.74 KB |
| | HKS N Process.aco | 2.69 KB |
| | HKS N.aco | 2.68 KB |
| | Contours.shc | 2.32 KB |
| | Color Negative (RGB).acv | 66 bytes |
| | Cross Process (RGB).acv | 86 bytes |
| | Darker (RGB).acv | 58 bytes |
| | Increase Contrast (RGB).acv | 66 bytes |
| | Lighter (RGB).acv | 58 bytes |
| | Linear Contrast (RGB).acv | 62 bytes |
| | Medium Contrast (RGB).acv | 62 bytes |
| | Negative (RGB).acv | 54 bytes |
| | Strong Contrast (RGB).acv | 66 bytes |
| | All.csh | 355.55 KB |
| | Animals.csh | 9.03 KB |
| | ARROWS.csh | 14.71 KB |
| | Banners and Awards.csh | 9.68 KB |
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| | nature.csh | 56.8 KB |
| | OBJECTS.csh | 74.74 KB |
| | ornaments.csh | 51.61 KB |
| | shapes.csh | 24.57 KB |
| | 423-1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 423-2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 423-3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 424 bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 424 bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 424 bl 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 424 bl 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 144 orange (25%) bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 144 orange (25%) bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 144 orange (25%) bl 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 144 orange (25%) bl 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 144 orange bl 80% shad.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 159 dk orange bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 159 dk orange bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 159 dk orange bl 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 159 dk orange bl 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | 327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | cyan bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | cyan bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | cyan bl 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | cyan bl 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | magenta bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | magenta bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | magenta bl 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | magenta bl 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | yellow bl 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | yellow bl 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 430 493 557.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 431 492 556.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 541 513 5773.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 75% 50% 25%.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CMYK blue.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CMYK brown.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CMYK cool.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CMYK ext wm.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CMYK neutral.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CMYK wm.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CG9CG2-1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CG9CG2-2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CG9CG2-3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | CG9CG2-4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 340 green 423 gray.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Bl 50% 25%.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BCY green 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BCY green 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BCY green 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BCY green 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BMC blue 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BMC blue 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BMC blue 3.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BMC blue 4.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BMY brown 1.ado | 524 bytes |
| | BMY brown 2.ado | 524 bytes |
| | Color Harmonies 1.grd | 16.35 KB |
| | Color Harmonies 2.grd | 21.43 KB |
| | Metals.grd | 657 bytes |
| | Noise Samples.grd | 3.59 KB |
| | Pastels.grd | 10.48 KB |
| | Simple.grd | 10.11 KB |
| | Special effects.grd | 1.26 KB |
| | Spectrums.grd | 5.96 KB |
| | Working with Type.kys | 2.89 KB |
| | Automation.mnu | 2.96 KB |
| | Basic.mnu | 2.59 KB |
| | Color and Tonal Correction.mnu | 4.27 KB |
| | Image Analysis.mnu | 10.43 KB |
| | Painting and Retouching.mnu | 11.84 KB |
| | Printing and Proofing.mnu | 3.17 KB |
| | Video and Film.mnu | 3.11 KB |
| | Web Design.mnu | 1.73 KB |
| | What's New - CS3.mnu | 4.41 KB |
| | Working with Type.mnu | 2.18 KB |
| | 60's flowers.ai | 5.98 KB |
| | Arrowheads.ai | 8.5 KB |
| | Blossoms.ai | 11.61 KB |
| | Borneo.ai | 5.83 KB |
| | Deco.ai | 3.34 KB |
| | Diamonds-cubes.ai | 4.2 KB |
| | Drunkard's path.ai | 7.66 KB |
| | Flowers 1.ai | 18.83 KB |
| | Flowers 2.ai | 46.98 KB |
| | fractures.ai | 13.9 KB |
| | Artist Surfaces.pat | 443.02 KB |
| | Color Paper.pat | 1.47 MB |
| | Grayscale Paper.pat | 271.07 KB |
| | Nature Patterns.pat | 1.02 MB |
| | Patterns 2.pat | 242.34 KB |
| | Patterns.pat | 298.35 KB |
| | Rock Patterns.pat | 1.04 MB |
| | Texture Fill 2.pat | 646.58 KB |
| | Texture Fill.pat | 820.13 KB |
| | Abstract Styles.asl | 2.16 MB |
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| | Dotted Strokes.asl | 39.35 KB |
| | Glass Buttons.asl | 48.62 KB |
| | Image Effects.asl | 178.29 KB |
| | Photographic Effects.asl | 253.5 KB |
| | Text Effects 2.asl | 884.51 KB |
| | Text Effects.asl | 219.93 KB |
| | textures.asl | 853.27 KB |
| | Web Styles.asl | 320.34 KB |
| | Art History.tpl | 703.51 KB |
| | Brushes.tpl | 342.82 KB |
| | Crop and Marquee.tpl | 3.3 KB |
| | TEXT.tpl | 114.51 KB |
| | VersionCue.log | 549 bytes |
| | editing.xml | 246 bytes |
| | Projects.xml | 258 bytes |
| | settings.xml | 734 bytes |
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| | adobe_00080000_tsf.data | 15.5 KB |
| | ACECache7.lst | 4.31 KB |
| | ACEConfigCache1.lst | 604 bytes |
| | GDIPFONTCACHEV1.dat | 66.85 KB |
| | Photoshop Temp3574091788. | 27.97 MB |
| | alm.log | 2.42 KB |
| | Amt.log | 7.55 KB |
| | Basic. | 86.56 KB |
| | Legacy. | 83.46 KB |
| | What's New in CS3. | 4.44 KB |
| | Automation. | 86.05 KB |
| | Color and Tonal Correction. | 87.02 KB |
| | Image Analysis. | 93.72 KB |
| | Painting and Retouching. | 94.61 KB |
| | Printing and Proofing. | 85.78 KB |
| | Video and Film. | 85.68 KB |
| | Web Design. | 84.93 KB |
| | Working with Type. | 88.54 KB |
| | 2d.x3d | 525 KB |
| | 3difr.x3d | 168 KB |
| | 3dsps.x3d | 68.5 KB |
| | drvDX9.x3d | 728 KB |
| | drvSOFT.x3d | 166 KB |
| | tesselate.x3d | 15 KB |
| | ADMPlugin.apl | 1.27 MB |
| | ADMUI3.fon | 17 KB |
| | ASDataStream.apl | 144 KB |
| | Default Actions.atn | 19.63 KB |
| | Default Brushes.abr | 640.71 KB |
| | Default Contours.shc | 882 bytes |
| | Default Custom Shapes.csh | 33.66 KB |
| | Default Filter Colors.aco | 952 bytes |
| | Default Gradients.grd | 15.15 KB |
| | Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys | 2.86 KB |
| | cache.db | 11 KB |
| | PCD.db | 25 KB |
| | caps.db | 25 KB |
| | WINHLP32.exe | 8.5 KB |
| | svchost.exe | 8.5 KB |
| | rundll32.exe | 8.5 KB |
| | FNPLicensingService.exe | 8.5 KB |
| | Registry.rw.lck | 36 bytes |
| | Registry.rw.tvr | 228 KB |
| | Registry.tvr.backup | 228 KB |
| | Photoshop.exe | 43.48 MB |