Speed Peers Group presents:
Dk.Skart's Release, only good GORE torrent!!!!!!
After Death AKA Zombi 4 - UNCUT ed CINEKULT [DVD9-ITA-sub ITA-FULL] -LiFE

FRONT COVER --> http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/2098/frontcoverzombi4.jpg
INSIDE COVER --> http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/8875/inlayzombi4.jpg
DVD LABEL --> http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/1876/dvdlabelzombi4.jpg
Format: DVD9
Dimension: 7.64 GB
Runtime: 01:20:39 - UNCUT
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - 1.78:1
Picture Format: Anamorphic
TV system: PAL
Languages: Italian DD 2.0 (dual-mono)
Subtitles: Italian NU
Menu': YES
Deleted: nothing - FULL
Compression: nothing - 1:1 copy
Booklet: YES (2 pag. ITA - inlay)
Extra: Backstage (La Vita Oltre La Morte - 00:57:36 - ITA) - Oltre La Morte (interview: Claudio Fragasso, Rossella Drudi, Massimo Vanni, Ottaviano Dell' Acqua - 00:16:37 - ITA) - Original Trailer - Photo Gallery - Alternative Scene - Anticipazioni CINEKULT (Zombi 3, Zombi 2, Voto Di Castità, Zombi Holocaust, Killing Birds, Il Trucido e Lo Sbirro, Il Delitto Del Diavolo, Una Spirale Di Nebbia, Vamos a Matar Companeros)



IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094620/
Original Title: After Death - Oltre La Morte
Other Title (AKA): After death - L'isola maledetta (Italy)
Das Böse ist wieder da (West Germany)
Hitokui jigoku: Zonbi fukkatsu [Japan (video title)]
Zombi 4 - After death (Italy)
Zombi 4: Meta thanaton [Greece (DVD title)]
Zombie 4: After Death [International (English title)]
Zombie Flesh Eaters 3 [UK (DVD title)]
Zonbi 4 [Japan (DVD title)]
Year: 1988
Country: Italy/USA
Genre: horror, splatter
Directed by: Claudio Fragasso
Written By: Rossella Drudi
Screenplay: Rossella Drudi
Produced By: Franco Gaudenzi
Executive Producer: Bruno Mattei
House Of Production: Flora Film
Special Effects: Franco Di Girolamo, Rodolfo Torrente
Photography: Luigi Ciccarese
Edited By: Maurizio Baglivo
Make-up: Franco Di Girolamo
Scenography: Bart Scavia
Music: Al Festa
Chuck Peyton: Chuck
Candice Daly: Jenny
Alex McBride: David
Jim Gaines: Dan
Don Wilson: Tommy
Adrianne Joseph: Louise
Jim Moss: Mad
Nick Nicholson: Rod
TRAMA (Italian)
Su un isola tropicale, l a figlia di uno stregone voodoo muore di cancro e quello scatena contro gli scienziati gli zombies. Sopravvive solo una bambina. Venti anni dopo Jenny (Candice Daly) torna sull'isola con degli studiosi per scoprire che i non morti non sono ancora morti. (Fonte: exxagon.it)
PLOT (English)
A woman goes back to the island where her parents were killed. They had been working on a cure for cancer and accidentally raised the dead by angering a voodoo priest. With the woman is a group of mercenaries and they meet up with some other researchers. They raise the dead again and all hell breaks loose. (Source: IMDB)

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