AGE OF EMPIRES III complete edition : all three games in one + save game (Size: 3.31 GB)
| | CD Keys.txt | 149 bytes |
| | All three in one game.reg | 1.4 KB |
| | Age Of Empires III Classic.iso | 1.67 GB |
| | battery.nfo | 6.06 KB |
| | age3Y.exe | 11.13 MB |
| | Age of Empires 3 - The Asian Dynasties - Exspansion - (ServiusTheBear) - [FAP].mds | 558 bytes |
| | Age of Empires 3 - The Asian Dynasties - Exspansion - (ServiusTheBear) - [FAP].mdf | 663.15 MB |
| | rld-aoex.cue | 74 bytes |
| | rld-aoex.sfv | 1.1 KB |
| | reloaded.nfo | 6.04 KB |
| | rld-aoex.bin | 740.79 MB |
| | localey.cfg | 20 bytes |
| | LOCALEX.cfg | 20 bytes |
| | LOCALE.cfg | 20 bytes |
| | persistenty.cfg | 107 bytes |
| | production.cfg | 185 bytes |
| | productiony.cfg | 185 bytes |
| | productionx.cfg | 185 bytes |
| | Developer.con | 5.62 KB |
| | Game.cfg | 9.1 KB |
| | GAMEX.cfg | 9.1 KB |
| | localey.cfg | 20 bytes |
| | LOCALEX.cfg | 20 bytes |
| | LOCALE.cfg | 20 bytes |
| | persistenty.cfg | 107 bytes |
| | productiony.cfg | 185 bytes |
| | productionx.cfg | 185 bytes |
| | production.cfg | 185 bytes |
| | Developer.con | 5.62 KB |
| | GAMEX.cfg | 9.1 KB |
| | Game.cfg | 9.1 KB |
| | LastProfile.dat | 24 bytes |
| | DefaultProfile2.xml | 49.01 KB |
| | DefaultProfile.xml | 49.01 KB |
| | DefaultProfile3.xml | 62.94 KB |
| | NewProfile.xml | 182.54 KB |
| | LastProfile2.dat | 26 bytes |
| | NewProfile2.xml | 185.58 KB |
| | LastProfile3.dat | 26 bytes |
| | NewProfile3.xml | 224.56 KB |
| | trigtemp.xs | 217 bytes |
| | basicvcnomain.xs | 3.49 KB |
| | typetest.xml | 83.51 KB |
| | sonora_mine01.xml | 326 bytes |
| | casualties_cart02.xml | 489 bytes |
| | Nugget 1.xml | 605 bytes |
| | casualties_coffins_01.xml | 621 bytes |
| | casualties_cart01.xml | 753 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 1.xml | 756 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 2.xml | 761 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 3.xml | 763 bytes |
| | gp_flower05.xml | 765 bytes |
| | casualties_05.xml | 886 bytes |
| | silkRoadLarge.xml | 286 bytes |
| | SILKROAD.xml | 286 bytes |
| | asianrandom.set | 373 bytes |
| | honshuRegicide.xml | 373 bytes |
| | honshu.xml | 373 bytes |
| | Ozarks.xml | 375 bytes |
| | Borneo.xml | 379 bytes |
| | Ceylon.xml | 381 bytes |
| | deccanLarge.xml | 382 bytes |
| | deccan.xml | 382 bytes |
| | sonora_mine01.xml | 326 bytes |
| | casualties_cart02.xml | 489 bytes |
| | Nugget 1.xml | 605 bytes |
| | casualties_coffins_01.xml | 621 bytes |
| | casualties_cart01.xml | 753 bytes |
| | gp_flower05.xml | 765 bytes |
| | casualties_05.xml | 886 bytes |
| | gp_flower04.xml | 888 bytes |
| | casualties_08.xml | 1015 bytes |
| | casualties_06.xml | 1018 bytes |
| | Largerandommaps.set | 303 bytes |
| | texasLarge.xml | 396 bytes |
| | yukon.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texas.xml | 396 bytes |
| | amazonia.xml | 397 bytes |
| | pampas.xml | 398 bytes |
| | sonoraLarge.xml | 405 bytes |
| | sonora.xml | 405 bytes |
| | unknown.xml | 407 bytes |
| | Rockies.xml | 407 bytes |
| | sonora_mine01.xml | 326 bytes |
| | casualties_cart02.xml | 489 bytes |
| | Nugget 1.xml | 605 bytes |
| | casualties_coffins_01.xml | 621 bytes |
| | casualties_cart01.xml | 753 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 1.xml | 756 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 2.xml | 761 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 3.xml | 763 bytes |
| | gp_flower05.xml | 765 bytes |
| | casualties_05.xml | 886 bytes |
| | Largerandommaps.set | 305 bytes |
| | Ozarks.xml | 375 bytes |
| | andes.xml | 389 bytes |
| | plymouth.xml | 395 bytes |
| | yukon.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texas.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texasLarge.xml | 396 bytes |
| | amazonia.xml | 397 bytes |
| | pampas.xml | 398 bytes |
| | sonoraLarge.xml | 405 bytes |
| | William.personality | 360 bytes |
| | crazyhorse.personality | 360 bytes |
| | Napoleon.personality | 364 bytes |
| | IVAN.personality | 366 bytes |
| | Cuauhtemoc.personality | 366 bytes |
| | Isabella.personality | 368 bytes |
| | Frederick.personality | 368 bytes |
| | Elizabeth.personality | 369 bytes |
| | Suleiman.personality | 370 bytes |
| | Hiawatha.personality | 373 bytes |
| | age3ai.xs | 671 bytes |
| | ailoaderstandard.xs | 1.54 KB |
| | age314p03.xs | 1.54 KB |
| | age323p04.xs | 1.58 KB |
| | age303p04.xs | 1.62 KB |
| | age303p03.xs | 1.62 KB |
| | age315p03.xs | 1.65 KB |
| | age316p3.xs | 1.65 KB |
| | age323p05.xs | 1.65 KB |
| | age314p04.xs | 1.66 KB |
| | age3ai.xs | 671 bytes |
| | age3x02p03.xs | 1.51 KB |
| | ailoaderstandard.xs | 1.54 KB |
| | age3x09p02.xs | 1.54 KB |
| | age3x09p03.xs | 1.54 KB |
| | age314p03.xs | 1.54 KB |
| | age323p04.xs | 1.58 KB |
| | age3x01p04.xs | 1.58 KB |
| | age3x11p06.xs | 1.59 KB |
| | age3yCC4p02.xs | 1.6 KB |
| | Age3Log.txt | 1011 bytes |
| | logfile.txt | 2.2 KB |
| | LastProfile.dat | 24 bytes |
| | DefaultProfile.xml | 49.01 KB |
| | DefaultProfile2.xml | 49.01 KB |
| | DefaultProfile3.xml | 62.94 KB |
| | NewProfile.xml | 182.56 KB |
| | LastProfile2.dat | 26 bytes |
| | NewProfile2.xml | 185.58 KB |
| | LastProfile3.dat | 26 bytes |
| | NewProfile3.xml | 224.55 KB |
| | trigtemp.xs | 217 bytes |
| | typetest.xml | 85.07 KB |
| | trigtemp.xs | 217 bytes |
| | basicvcnomain.xs | 3.49 KB |
| | typetest.xml | 83.51 KB |
| | sonora_mine01.xml | 326 bytes |
| | casualties_cart02.xml | 489 bytes |
| | Nugget 1.xml | 605 bytes |
| | casualties_coffins_01.xml | 621 bytes |
| | casualties_cart01.xml | 753 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 1.xml | 756 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 2.xml | 761 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 3.xml | 763 bytes |
| | gp_flower05.xml | 765 bytes |
| | casualties_05.xml | 886 bytes |
| | silkRoadLarge.xml | 286 bytes |
| | SILKROAD.xml | 286 bytes |
| | asianrandom.set | 373 bytes |
| | honshuRegicide.xml | 373 bytes |
| | honshu.xml | 373 bytes |
| | Ozarks.xml | 375 bytes |
| | Borneo.xml | 379 bytes |
| | Ceylon.xml | 381 bytes |
| | deccan.xml | 382 bytes |
| | deccanLarge.xml | 382 bytes |
| | sonora_mine01.xml | 326 bytes |
| | casualties_cart02.xml | 489 bytes |
| | Nugget 1.xml | 605 bytes |
| | casualties_coffins_01.xml | 621 bytes |
| | casualties_cart01.xml | 753 bytes |
| | gp_flower05.xml | 765 bytes |
| | casualties_05.xml | 886 bytes |
| | gp_flower04.xml | 888 bytes |
| | casualties_08.xml | 1015 bytes |
| | casualties_06.xml | 1018 bytes |
| | Largerandommaps.set | 303 bytes |
| | yukon.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texasLarge.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texas.xml | 396 bytes |
| | amazonia.xml | 397 bytes |
| | pampas.xml | 398 bytes |
| | sonoraLarge.xml | 405 bytes |
| | sonora.xml | 405 bytes |
| | Rockies.xml | 407 bytes |
| | unknown.xml | 407 bytes |
| | sonora_mine01.xml | 326 bytes |
| | casualties_cart02.xml | 489 bytes |
| | Nugget 1.xml | 605 bytes |
| | casualties_coffins_01.xml | 621 bytes |
| | casualties_cart01.xml | 753 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 1.xml | 756 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 2.xml | 761 bytes |
| | plymouth_pumpkinpatch 3.xml | 763 bytes |
| | gp_flower05.xml | 765 bytes |
| | casualties_05.xml | 886 bytes |
| | Largerandommaps.set | 305 bytes |
| | Ozarks.xml | 375 bytes |
| | andes.xml | 389 bytes |
| | plymouth.xml | 395 bytes |
| | yukon.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texasLarge.xml | 396 bytes |
| | texas.xml | 396 bytes |
| | amazonia.xml | 397 bytes |
| | pampas.xml | 398 bytes |
| | sonora.xml | 405 bytes |
| | William.personality | 360 bytes |
| | crazyhorse.personality | 360 bytes |
| | Napoleon.personality | 364 bytes |
| | IVAN.personality | 366 bytes |
| | Cuauhtemoc.personality | 366 bytes |
| | Isabella.personality | 368 bytes |
| | Frederick.personality | 368 bytes |
| | Elizabeth.personality | 369 bytes |
| | Suleiman.personality | 370 bytes |
| | Hiawatha.personality | 373 bytes |
| | logfile.txt | 1011 bytes |
| | Age3Log.txt | 1011 bytes |
| | Age3Log.txt | 1012 bytes |
| | logfile.txt | 2.2 KB |
Burn or mount ISO
copy and past the CD keys
copy the crack/s to installation directory
use the reg. file to merge all three games (classic and exspansions) to one you'll find it on the asian dynesties expansion
* for save game Copy and Replace "age of empires" folder which is in "my games"
folder into my documents/my games
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