
Alice Madness Returns-SKIDROWAlice: Madness Returns (c) EA15-06-2011........Release Date - Protection..............EACoreAction...............Game Type - Disk(s)..................1 DVDRELEASE NOTESAlice: Madness Returns delves deep into the dark and violent side ofthe imagination, creating a nightmarish Wonderland where Alice mustface the demons that haunt her visions. Visit the grim reality ofVictorian London and then travel to the beautiful yet ghastlyWonderland to uncover the root of Alice's madness and discover thetruth behind a deadly secret, kept hidden for years.Eleven years ago a horrific fire took Alices family from her and lefther mind horrifically scarred. Afterwards she was confined to RutledgeAsylum, where she struggled to confront her demons by slipping furtherinto her fantasy world of Wonderland. Now, after ten years, she hasfinally secured her releaseyet she still bears the heavypsychological burden of that tragic event.With her mind in tatters, she is unable to resolve the fear prompted byher strange memories, dreams, and visions. Perhaps she'll do better inWonderland. She always has. She travels there, seeking what the "real"world can't provide: security, knowledge, and the truth about the past.But in her absence, Wonderland too has suffered. Something has gonehorribly wrong, and now a great evil is descending upon what once washer beautiful refuge. Can Alice save Wonderlandand herselffrom themadness that consumes them both?Features:Intense 3rd person action: Use multiple upgradeable melee weapons,including the explosive Teapot Cannon, the punishing Hobby Horse, andthe classic Vorpal Blade.Explore a dark and shattered Wonderland: Encounter familiar but nowstrange characters, including the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, theCaterpillar and the Red Queen.Magical abilities: Obtain peculiar abilities in Wonderland such asfloating with Alice's dress, shrinking, or growing to towering sizes inorder to crush enemies.Interactive puzzles: Intuitive and rewarding puzzles such astransforming obstacles, musical memories, chess, and picture blocks.The Complete Collection, with an enhanced edition of the first Alicetitle.INSTALL NOTES2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation5. Play the game6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoyNote:If you have something to offer as early releases,seedboxes,links,accounts,etc please contact us on our website torentz 3xforum roSeed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrentHow To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent)Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - ForcedBandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited)Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections.Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews.For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES,system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads,pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages. Search here for any future updates/working status/etc
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