American Apocalypse IV - Rescue - Nova - [N27]seeders: 2
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American Apocalypse IV - Rescue - Nova - [N27] (Size: 274.29 KB)
DescriptionAmerican Apocalypse IV: Rescue by Nova English | EPUB | ISBN-10: 1461124212 | ISBN-13: 978-1461124214 April 25, 2011 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform ![]() Literature & Fiction, Action & Adventure CONTENTS 26 Chapters Excerpt: I was alone. I was okay with that. I had a mission. Find Carol’s son. I had a deadline. I knew how long I was going to be gone. At the rate the Horde was moving I would need to figure in two weeks just to catch up with them once I found the kid. I pulled out the t-shirt Carol had given me. It was a Transformers t-shirt. Nice. It was Bumblebee. Too bad it wasn’t my size; I would have worn it. I smiled to myself and thought of another kid from a long time ago with an Optimus Prime toy. Life runs in cycles so the wise people say, or maybe I read it on the Internet once upon a time. I was sitting there, reluctant to move, knowing I had to but unable to get off my ass when I heard them coming. They were quiet, but they needed not to breathe so hard. Nothing was there one second; the next I was looking at five big dogs. They stayed back about ten feet while Woof walked up, sniffed, looked me over, and then sat down about three feet from me. He was smiling. I like that in a dog. I looked over him and the rest of the pack. All of them were male and none weighed less than ninety pounds. I recognized the usual breeds – Rottweilers and Woof, the German shepherd - plus there was one I didn’t recognize. Somebody’s mutt. Looking them over made me glad I wasn’t going to be cleaning up after them. “Woof, you’ve put on some weight. Looking good, Dog.” He did look good, too. He still had the scar and a couple new ones had been added. All of the dogs were scarred. One of the Rottweiler's had what looked like a bullet wound scar on his flank. Woof didn’t say the same about me. It didn’t bother me. I understood. He wasn’t the talkative type. Sharing Widget |