Anatomy for Dental Students, 4E [PDF] [StormRG]seeders: 1
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Anatomy for Dental Students, 4E [PDF] [StormRG] (Size: 8.54 MB)
Author: Martin E. Atkinson
Print Length: 352 pages Publisher: OUP Oxford; 4 edition (March 14, 2013) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. Language: English ASIN: B00HEZZDX8 Format: Retail PDF Reader Required: Adobe Reader, Foxit, Nitro, Adobe Digital Editions Note: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Tested on the above readers with no problems on laptop and Android tablet. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions or problem with the download, as comments on the torrent are easy to miss. Please allow a couple seconds for the seedboxes to kick in, then it should move pretty quick. Hope it helps in your studies. Go for it! :D ![]() Cover from actual book file Anatomy for Dental Students, Fourth Edition, demonstrates and explains all the anatomy needed for a modern dentistry undergraduate course. This text covers developmental anatomy, the thorax, the central nervous system, and the head and neck with an emphasis on the practical application of anatomical knowledge. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated in line with contemporary teaching and dental practice. Over 300 new full colour diagrams map all the anatomical regions that dental students need to know, while the lively and accessible text guides the reader's learning. Throughout Clinical Application Boxes demonstrate how the form and function of anatomy have consequences for clinical practice. Side-lines boxes contain additional descriptions for key anatomical structures. This text is supported by an Online Resource Centre with multiple choice questions, drag and drop figure exercises, and links to key resources to help readers to consolidate and extend their knowledge of anatomy. Anatomy for Dental Students brings together anatomical structure, function, and their relationship to clinical practice, making ideal for today's dental students. Sharing Widget |
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