Apress - PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA 2015 2nd Editon Retail eBook-BitBook

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| PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA |
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| DATE: 2015-07-26 SIZE: 16,69MB DISKS: 04_______4,77MB PAGES: |
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| PUBLISHER: Apress GENRE: Computer Science |
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| AUTHOR: David Kurtz |
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| LANGUAGE: English ISBN: 978-1-4302-3707-5 |
: :
: PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA, Second Edition stands on the boundary :
: between the PeopleSoft application and the Oracle database. This new :
: edition of David Kurtz's book is freshly revised, showing how to tame the :
: beast and manage Oracle successfully in a PeopleSoft environment. :
: :
: You’ll learn about PeopleSoft’s Internet architecture and its use of :
: Oracle’s Tuxedo Application Server. You’ll find full coverage of key :
: database issues such as indexing, connectivity, and tablespace usage as :
: they apply to PeopleSoft. Kurtz also provides some of the best advice and :
: information to be found anywhere on managing and troubleshooting :
: performance issues in a PeopleSoft environment. The solid coverage of :
: performance troubleshooting is enough by itself to make PeopleSoft for the :
: Oracle DBA a must-have book for any Oracle Database administrator working :
: in support of a PeopleSoft environment. :

. :

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Apress - PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA 2015 2nd Editon Retail eBook-BitBook