leechers: 0
This is Arma 3 Beta with Update-1 V0.72 .. it's simple and easy ..
just unzip the files and play the game .. but you must run steam !! I still want to know how to play it without steam !! but it's still playable .. Enjoy !! CHANGELOG DATA ■Added: Ability to set starting time of Defend Kamino (MP) ■Firing Drills: Automatic reload and resupply added upon restart (for lazy Mr. Endstar) ■Firing Drills: Now using symbology on selector targets ■Firing Drills: Ability to immediately quit at the end of CoFs added ■Firing Drills: CoF Green - updated to reflect changed magazines for sidearm ■Firing Drills: Times of day tweaked to match new Stratis configuration ■Firing Drills: Use of color was inconsistent for non-medal times ■Firing Drills: Restarting within a CP would leave the IGUI element active ■Firing Drills: Medal icon sometimes shown using Training rules ■Firing Drills: Added audio cue when going over the next medal time ■Firing Drills: Conversations all switched to radio again ■Showcase time of day tweaks to match Stratis sunrise configuration ■Showcase SCUBA now uses Titan launchers instead of RPG-42 ■"Interface Layout" configuration tool added to Game Options ■Added: More heads to select from in user profile ■Interface clock control replaced with an improved version in map, editor, briefings and tasks ■AI icons in role assignment screen are not deformed anymore< ■Fixed: Cargo cannot take control from commander ■Gunner and driver of class "Car" and its children now use optics to detect targets ■Tweaked collision damage to vehicles. They now should be a bit more resistant, mostly at lower speeds. ■Tweaking of wheels and suspension of both APCs (floating in air) ■Adjusted agility of helicopters ■Added parachutes to light helicopters ■Passengers of all helicopters are now able to eject and paradrop ■Added cargo parachutes for supports ■Fixed: It is no longer possible to get directly from flatbed / cargo space to cabin of Trucks and vice versa ■Adjusted radius of Zamak's destroyed wheels ■Zamak now has the correct wheels destroyed (by shooting) ■Doors of Mi-48 are closed by default now ■Fixed getting in UH-80 as pilot for more players simultaneously ■Gunners of UH-80 should be able to switch seats ■Added day camouflage variant of Ghost Hawk ■Weapons of CH-49 cargo no longer stick out of the roof ■Tweaked hit points of the CH-49 Mohawk ■Disabled levitation of the Strider's wheels ■Fixed glass on doors of Ifrit ■Green faction assault boat has its own texture ■Green faction has its SDV now ■Marid's crew should now abandon vehicle when all steerable wheels are gone ■Fixed: Marid should have correct names of weapons ■Fixed: Path to sounds of Speedboat ■Speedboat's water friction has been tweaked ■Engines of armed Strider hit points now have correct names ■Fixed: AMV map icon was too small ■Fixed: HEMTT exhaust right next to passenger head ■HEMTT now has correct destruction of cargo part ■Fixed: HEMTT windshield destruction ■Fixed: HEMTT various descruction issues ■Adjusted AH-9 missile burst for AI ■Basic collimator optics should have the same zeroing ■Iron sights of SOS optics now have correct zeroing ■Tweaked basic setting of the direction of grenade throws ■Fire mode switches are now animated for most weapons ■GM6 rate of fire has been adjusted ■Katiba variants are back ■Flares light intensity tweaked ■Changed magazine for Green faction pistol in equipment ■Aiming of the ACP-C2 has been adjusted ■ACP-C2 uses .45 magazines ■Fixed: ACP-C2 and Vermin should have sound suppressors for .45 ACP ammo (class muzzle_snds_acp) ■Improved ASRAAM behavior ■Tweaked recoils for Scorpion and Vermin ■Fixed: OPFOR Recon should have their weapons back ■Fixed: Tweaked dispersion of mortar shells ■Fixed: PCML and RPG-42 use unguided missiles ■Careless AI are no longer stuck in prone after crawling under an obstacle ■Parachuting soldiers are not sad anymore (death pose removed) ■Adjusted vulnerability of character heads ■OPFOR helmet heads-up displays retracted ■OPFOR recon units inventory loadouts changed to match their BLUFOR recon counterparts ■Weight and capacity of all uniforms, vests and bags overhauled into one logical, balanced and gradually scaling norm, where bags of the same type and / or purpose should share corresponding values with minor side unique differences. ■Fixed: OPFOR Recon inventory loadout ■Adjusted Stratis' world coordinates (affects time of day effects) ■Fixed: No units on certain Sites ■Animal Sites enabled ■Animal Sites generation reworked into a function ■Animal Sites MP support added ■Changed: Minefield Site now rotates all mines in the direction of the Site module ■Fixed: Support type no longer available without any usable providers (Supports module) ■Fixed: Script error messages caused by Supports module ( ■Added: Dialog for custom init code for virtual providers in Supports module ■Added: Dialog for custom supply crate init code for supply drop in Supports module ■Added: Custom HQ parameter for Support Requester module ■Added: HQ now informs you if you have new supports available (when using the Supports module). You can disable these reports by using BIS_SUPP_reportNewSupports = false; ■Added: "Create diary record" module now allows adding a briefing entry to sides of synchronized units and to all playable units (the same options as "Create task" module have). This should simplify MP mission configuration. ■Added: Module for setting a group callsign, can be found in "Group Modifiers" category. ■Fixed: Units created BIS_fnc_spawnGroup were in the wrong order and of incorrect ranks. ■Added: "Headquarters" module, assigning HQ speaker with specific callsign for the given side. ■Added: Scripted event handler "ticketsExhausted" is now called when number of respawn tickets reaches 0. ■Fixed: Error messages when placing certain modules without input parameters ■Suffocating PP effects disabled for animals ■Fixed: Error in BIS_fnc_arrayShift ( ■BIS_fnc_endMission is now terminated when trying to trigger a good ending over a bad one ■Apart from "Synchronized Units" and "Groups of synchronize units", the "Create Task" module now offers new options - "Sides of synchronized units" and "All playable units" ■Entering Splendid Camera while in vehicle optics resulted in NVG / TI modes being black ■Removed: Ambient Combat module. It was a simple port from Arma 2 and it wasn't maintained anymore. ■Fix: respawnDelay entry was ignored when defined as a string, not as a number ■No more infinite clicking if space is held to skip titlecards or establishing shots ■No longer possible to press buttons other than Space and Esc while titlecards or establishing shots are playing ■Added: Respawn templates expanded by ability to define side specific templates using new description.ext params: respawnTemplatesWest, respawnTemplatesEast, respawnTemplatesGuer and respawnTemplatesCiv. When not found for player's side, existing respawnTemplates param is used instead. ■Added: In CfgFunctions, 'forced' entry allowed designer to execute a function on mission start, before units are initialized. The entry is now renamed to 'preInit', and new entry 'postInit' provides option to execute the function right after objects were initialized. ■Config definition parameter (_this select 7) in advanced hint function removed. No need for it anymore, function checks all config files now. ■Notifications now support independent definition of picture color and picture text color ■Introduced several variants (5 up from 1) of glass shard effects for destructible glass based on size and shape of windows ■Fixed: Selections of windows on airport control tower ■Fixed: Missing radio protocol sentence for Helicopter Attack "chopper destroyed" event ■Fixed: Mortar sound reload spectral edited CHANGED CLASSES ■ACP-C2 now uses 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag magazine and a new muzzle_snds_acp sound suppressor ■Vermin SMG now uses 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 and 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_tracer_green magazines and a new muzzle_snds_acp sound suppressor ■Green faction has received its SDV with class I_SDV_01_F ■Green faction has received its Supply create with class I_supplyCrate_F ENGINE ■Support for Steam friend invites / joins ■Added: Wind synchronization in MP ■Disabled loading screen when switching closing map ■Switching weapon modes doesn't require two key presses when the weapon info IGUI is hidden anymore ■AI use Thermal Imagery to detect enemy when available ■Removed warp when reloading in 3D optics ■Improved thread synchronization of object drawing ■Recognition of damaged part of body has been improved ■Fix and slight optimization of detection of Simul Weather optimization ■Fixed: Brightness of nearby objects in the first frame after map display is closed ■Fixed: Items disappearing during inventory operations ■Fixed: Unable to take weapons from non-local containers ■Fixed: MP: Unable to throw grenades after taking vest from ground ■Fixed: Magazine not being removed for other clients if a player loads it directly into their gun ■Fixed: When player tries to place a vest or uniform into a backpack from the ground, target backpack will be copied and stored on the ground ■Fixed: Headgear no longer displayed after leaving a multiplayer game ■Fixed: Players could not access vehicles that cannot move ■Fixed: Helicopters don't wait with another burst of CounterMeasures ■Fixed: Helicopter collective ascent / descent rates were not consistent among devices ■Fixed: GET IN waypoint - AI went for wrong seats in the helicopters ■Fixed: Icons and text outside of valid area in combo boxes, added ST_NO_RECT style support ■Fixed: Text alignment support for map icons ■Added: Scripting commands for tree interface control ■Fixed: Command enableEnvironment to toggle off all ambient wildlife ■Fixed: setAmmo command description ■Fixed: AI turn limitation while aiming Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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