Armageddon [Bluray Full - NTSC][TNTVillage]
CEE - Central Eastern Europe original release!
Titolo originale: Armageddon
Nazionalita: USA
Anno: 1998
Genere: drama
Regia: Michael Bay
IMDB 6.1/10
Cast: Bruce Willis: Harry S. Stamper, Ben Affleck: A.J. Frost, Liv Tyler: Grace Stamper, Billy Bob Thornton: Dan Truman, amministratore della NASA, Will Patton: Charles "Chick" Chapple, Steve Buscemi: Rockhound, William Fichtner: Colonnello William Sharp, pilota dello Shuttle Freedom, Owen Wilson: Oscar Choi, geologo, Michael Clarke Duncan: Jayotis "Bear" Kurleenbear, Peter Stormare: Lev Andropov, cosmonauta russo, Ken Hudson Campbell: Max Lennert, Jessica Steen: Jennifer Watts, co-pilota dello Shuttle Freedom, Keith David: Lt. Generale Kimsey, Jason Isaacs: Dr. Ronald Quincy, ricercatore, John Mahon: Karl, Grace Zabriskie: Dottie
Release date: 1 July 1998 (USA)
Italiano 48 kHz, (DTS), 6ch, ~ 1509 Kbit/sec
Inglese DTS-HD (MA), 6ch, ~ 4776 kbit/s (DTS core: 48 kHz, 6ch, ~ 1509 kbit/s)[Original]
Russo 48 kHz, (AC3), 6ch, ~ 640 Kbit/sec
Polacco 48 kHz, (AC3), 6ch, ~ 640 Kbit/sec
Ceco 48 kHz, (AC3), 2ch, ~ 320 Kbit/sec
Ungherese 48 kHz, (AC3), 2ch, ~ 320 Kbit/sec
Inglese, arabo, bulgaro, cinese, croato, ceco, estone, greco, ebraico, hindi, ungherese, islandese, indonesiano, coreano, lituano, polacco, portoghese, rumeno, serbo, slovacco, sloveno, spagnolo, tailandese, turco



It is just another day at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a few astronauts were repairing a satellite until, out of nowhere, a series of asteroids came crashing into the shuttle, destroying it. These asteroids also decimated New York soon thereafter. Then, NASA discovered that there is an asteroid roughly the size of Texas heading towards the Earth, and when it does hit the Earth, the planet itself and all of its inhabitants will be obliterated, worse, the asteroid will hit the Earth in 18 days. Unfortunately, NASA's plans to destroy the asteroid are irrelevant. That is when the U.S. military decides to use a nuclear warhead to blow the asteroid to pieces. Then, scientists decide to blow the asteroid with the warhead inside the asteroid itself.
La NASA entra in stato di allerta quando un'improvvisa pioggia di meteoriti distrugge uno Shuttle in orbita attorno alla Terra, insieme al satellite che gli astronauti stavano riparando, e in seguito cade su un'area che va dalla Finlandia alla costa orientale degli Stati Uniti, distruggendo in particolare New York.
Formato di file: Blu-Ray, BDMV, H.264, AC3
Dimensione: 40,44 GB
Durata: 150 min 02:30:50 (h:m:s)
Video Codec: 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 (x264)
Video Bitrate: 26.320 Mbit/sec
Risoluzione: 1920х1080
Aspect Ratio(s): 2.40:1
FPS (Frames/sec): 23,976 fps
QF (Frame quality): High Profile 4.1