Armored Car: A History of American Wheeled Combat Vehiclesseeders: 1
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Armored Car: A History of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles (Size: 108.51 MB)
Armored Car: A History of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles
by R.P.Hunnicutt DESCRIPTION: Like his other books the author details another facet of American armor, this time the wheeled armored vehicles. Although experimentation with armored cars began in the 1890s and armored cars played an important part in both World Wars interest waned when serious doubts were cast on their survivability in face of the Soviet juggernaut. However times change and armored cars especially personnel carriers on grounds of cost and so called "less military and more police look"are back in vogue. Despite serious doubts about their utility and cost effectiveness, LAV and Stryker variants are very much part of the irregular warfare that characterizes our present times. title link: Sharing Widget |