Army of Darkness [DVD9 - Ita Eng Fra Esp Deu][TNTVillage]
Original title: Army of Darkness
AKA: L'armata delle tenebre (Italian)
Language: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German
Subtitles: English - Hard of hearing, German - Hard of hearing, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Portuguese, Polish, Greece, Mayar, Turkish
Release Date: 1992
Director: Sam Raimi
Cast: Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz and Marcus Gilbert
Format: PAL
Compression: None


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In this sequel to the Evil Dead films, a discount-store employee (Name's Ash. Housewares.) is time-warped to a medieval castle beset by monstrous forces. Initially mistaken for an enemy, he is soon revealed as the prophecised savior who can quest for the Necronomicon, a book which can dispel the evil. Unfortunately, he screws up the magic words while collecting the tome, and releases an army of skeletons, led by his own Deadite counterpart. What follows is a thrilling, yet tongue-in-cheek battle between Ash's 20th Century tactics and the minions of darkness.
Catapultato indietro nel tempo, addirittura nel Medioevo, Ash (Bruce Campbell) viene catturato dalle truppe di re Arthur. Dimostrata la propria innocenza, si mette sulle tracce del temibile Necronomicon - il "libro dei morti" dotato di grandi poteri, - ma involontariamente libera dal sonno le forze del male. Per poter tornare alla propria epoca dovrà difendere il libro dalla brama di potere del suo alter ego malvagio, guidando la popolazione locale contro il suo esercito di morti.