Artemisia - Passione Estrema [DVDrip - Ita] [Tntvillage]seeders: 0
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Artemisia - Passione Estrema [DVDrip - Ita] [Tntvillage] (Size: 715.67 MB)
Passione Estrema AUDIO: Italian Only .: Movie Infos :. Title: Artemisia Nations: FRANCE - ITALY - GERMANY Year: 1997 Genre: History | Biography Director: Agnes Merlet Cast: Michel Serrault, Valentina Cervi, Miki Manojlovic, Claudia Giannotti, Anna Lelio Runtime: 90 min. Link IMDB: It's NOT a Porn, but vision is not recommended for minors .: Trama/Plot :. [ITA] Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) fu una tra le prime pittrici note. Figlia del famoso pittore pisano Orazio, fu vittima dei pregiudizi del suo tempo e della sopraffazione virile nell'amore: la violenza carnale che subì adolescente dal suo maestro Agostino Tassi e quella, ancor più greve: il vero stupro, del processo (1612) contro lo stesso Tassi, dove da vittima si trasformò in accusata... [ENG] Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) was one of the first well-known female painters. The movie tells the story of her youth, when she was guided and protected by her father, the painter Orazio Gentileschi. Her professional curiosity about the male anatomy, forbidden for her eyes, led her to the knowledge of sexual pleasure. But she was also well known because in 1612 she had to appear in a courtroom because her teacher, Agostino Tassi, was suspected of raping her. She tried to protect him, but was put in the thumb screws... .: Report Avinaptic :. [ Info sul file ] Nome: Artemisia - Passione Estrema.avi Data: 30/11/2010 20:04:38 Dimensione: 750,436,352 bytes (715.672 MB) [ Info generiche ] Durata: 01:29:09 (5349.12 s) Tipo di contenitore: AVI OpenDML Streams totali: 2 Tipo stream n. 0: video Tipo stream n. 1: audio Audio streams: 1 ISFT: VirtualDubMod 1.4.13 JUNK: VirtualDub build 14328/release [ Dati rilevanti ] Risoluzione: MEDIA (544 x 288) Larghezza: multipla di 32 (BENE) Altezza: multipla di 32 (BENE) Qualità DRF medio: ALTA (3.082869) Qualità deviazione standard: ALTA (0.420391) Media pesata dev. std.: ALTA (0.419860) [ Traccia video ] FourCC: xvid/XVID Risoluzione: 544 x 288 Frame aspect ratio: 17:9 = 1.888888 Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 = 1 Display aspect ratio: 17:9 = 1.888888 Framerate: 25 fps Frames totali: 133728 Stream size: 619,721,576 bytes Bitrate: 926.838920 kbps Qf: 0.236631 Key frames: 449 (0; 206; 506; 806; 1106; ... 133555) Null frames: 0 Min key int: 52 Max key int: 300 Key int medio: 297.835189 Ritardo: 0 ms [ Traccia audio ] Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3) Bitrate (contenitore): 192 kbps CBR Canali (contenitore): 2 Frequenza (contenitore): 48000 Hz Chunks: 129488 Stream size: 124,319,246 bytes Preload: 96 ms Max A/V diff: 96 ms Tipo: MPEG-1 Layer III Initial skip: 9,599 bytes Internal skip: 207 bytes MPEG frames: 215815 Durata: 01:26:20 (5179.56 s) Chunk-aligned: No Emphasis: none Mode: stereo Ritardo: 0 ms [ Info sulla codifica MPEG4 ] User data: XviD0009 Packed bitstream: No QPel: No GMC: No Interlaced: No Aspect ratio: Square pixels Quant type: MPEG Frames totali: 133728 Drop/delay frames: 0 Frames corrotti: 0 I-VOPs: 449 ( 0.336 %) P-VOPs: 133279 ( 99.664 %) ######################### B-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %) S-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %) N-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %) [ Analisi DRF ] DRF medio: 3.082869 Deviazione standard: 0.420391 DRF max: 6 DRF<2: 0 ( 0.000 %) DRF=2: 6699 ( 5.009 %) # DRF=3: 109283 ( 81.720 %) #################### DRF=4: 17712 ( 13.245 %) ### DRF=5: 33 ( 0.025 %) DRF=6: 1 ( 0.001 %) DRF>6: 0 ( 0.000 %) I-VOPs DRF medio: 2.995545 I-VOPs deviazione std.: 0.066592 I-VOPs DRF max: 3 P-VOPs DRF medio: 3.083163 P-VOPs deviazione std.: 0.421050 P-VOPs DRF max: 6 [ Profile compliancy ] Profilo da testare: MTK PAL 6000 Risoluzione: Ok Framerate: Ok Min buffer fill: 81% You can find more info on this, and more of 35000 torrents, on Tntvillage community, the biggest italian torrents community with more of 330000 users. Visit and good downloads! Sharing WidgetTrailer |