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Assassins Creed III-SKIDROWAssassins Creed III (c) Ubisoft21-11-2012......Release Date - Protection...........Ubisoft DRMAction.............Game Type - Disk(s).................1 BLURAYRELEASE NOTESThe American Colonies, 1775. It's a time of civil unrest and politicalupheaval in the Americas. As a Native American assassin fights toprotect his land and his people, he will ignite the flames of a youngnation's revolution.Assassin's Creed III takes you back to the American Revolutionary War,but not the one you've read about in history books.Features:As a Native American assassin, eliminate your enemies with guns, bows,tomahawks, and moreFrom bustling city streets to chaotic battlefields, play a criticalrole in the most legendary events of the American Revolution includingthe Battle of Bunker Hill and Great Fire of New York.Experience the truth behind the most gruesome war in history: theAmerican Revolution.Introducing the Ubisoft-AnvilNext game engine, stunning new technologythat will revolutionize gaming with powerful graphics, lifelikeanimations, immersive combat, and advanced physics.INSTALL NOTES2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation5. Make sure all Game and Ubisoft Launcher processes are blocked infirewall6. Play the game7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoyHow To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent)Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - ForcedBandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited)Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections.Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews.For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES,system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads,pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages. IF the game does not work for you then update drivers, directX, componentsas netframework/redist files/etc, run as administrator, change compatibilitymode, block/disable access to internet, copy crack/overwrite, other tweaks,etcSearch here for any future updates/working status/etc, or any other quality Scene Release & filesharing sites.Stop using stupid av's as AVG reporting false positive viruses-disable or use ESET
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