AU Lab 2.3 (Size: 8.92 MB)
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| | AddingBuses.html | 5.16 KB |
| | AddingGenerators.html | 3.99 KB |
| | AddingInstrument.html | 10.77 KB |
| | AddingSidechains.html | 7.11 KB |
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| | OBJECTS.nib | 4.23 KB |
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| | OBJECTS.nib | 3 KB |
| | AddMidiTrack.nib | 11.13 KB |
| | AudioInputWindow.nib | 7.88 KB |
| | AUEditorViews.nib | 46.33 KB |
| | AUInspector.strings | 1.47 KB |
| | AUInspectorNSPanel.nib | 8.19 KB |
| | AULDeviceManager.nib | 21.87 KB |
| | AULMidiMappingEditor.nib | 8.09 KB |
| | AUMusicEffectEditor.nib | 9.94 KB |
| | ChainBusEditor.nib | 6.6 KB |
| | DeviceRemapDialog.nib | 13.8 KB |
| | AddTrack.tiff | 1.43 KB |
| | AddTrackHi.tiff | 1.43 KB |
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| | AlertBig.tiff | 10.11 KB |
| | AquaBackground.tiff | 320 bytes |
| | aquaBar.tiff | 456 bytes |
| | AquaHiliteBackground.tiff | 546 bytes |
| | AU Lab.entitlements | 971 bytes |
| | AUBlack.tiff | 1.21 KB |
| | AudioBlack.tiff | 852 bytes |
| | info.plist | 2.29 KB |
| | PkgInfo. | 8 bytes |
| | version.plist | 453 bytes |
| | 32:64-bit README.rtf | 497 bytes |
AU Lab 2.3 is fully Mavericks compatible and resolves the 'overload' issues in V2.2.2 on Mac OS 10.9.X.
Runs in 64-bit mode by default.
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