*Year: 2013
*Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
*Developer: EA Digital Illusions CE
*Publisher: Dice
*Platform: PC
*Language: Multi12: Russian, English ...
*Language voice: Multi12 : Russian, English ...
*Publication Type: License
*Medicine: present
System requirements:
*Operating system: Windows 7/8 / Vista;
*Intel Core Duo processor with a clock speed of 3.0 GHz or higher,
or more than 3 GB of RAM
*At least 28 GB of free hard disk space,
*Video card with 128 MB of video memory with support Shader 2.0;
*Sound Card compatible with DirectX;
*Device for reading DVD;
*Keyboard and mouse;
*For use multiplayer features require a broadband Internet connection.
Battlefield 4 - dynamic, hard, most realistic military first-person shooter. Using the power and flexibility of the new generation Frostbite engine 3, Battlefield 4 provides even greater than before, freedom of action and actions, lets you feel like a participant in a truly dramatic battles. Battlefield 4 gives an incredible freedom and allows you to choose your own path to victory.
Besides the time-tested and loved by gamers multiplayer mode in Battlefield 4 will present a rich dramatic events of the story campaign, the effect of which begins with the evacuation of the Shanghai American high-ranking persons.
Immerse yourself in the exciting chaos of a full-scale war which is waiting for you just in Battlefield!
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