Features repack / ripsBattlefield 1942Version of the game - v1.61bDo not cut / recodedAdditions:The Road To Rome Add-on;Secret Weapons of WWII Add-onBattlefield: VietnamGame Version - v1.21Do not cut / recodedSewn crack text ZoGBattlefield 2Game Version - v1.50Do not cut / recodedSewn crack text ZoGAdditions:Special Forces;Euro Forces;Armored FuryBattlefield 2142Game Version - v1.51Do not cut / recodedAdditions:Northern StrikeBattlefield: Bad Company 2Version of the game - v795745Do not recodedcut multiplayerAbility to select a combination of text and voice (voice selected from the settings menu of the game)Battlefield 3Version of the game - v1.6.0.0 (build: 1147186) [Update 9]Do not recodedCut multiplayer, co-opAbility to select a combination of text and voice (sound selected in the game settings menu)Battlefield 4Version of the game - build.v.1.0.104788 [Update 11]Do not recodedcut multiplayerAbility to select a combination of text and voice (choose English voice acting in the game settings)The ability to download only the necessary voice acting (voices_ru.bin - Russian | voices_en.bin - English)Battlefield: HardlineVersion of the game - v1.07.15.00Do not cut / recodedAbility to select a combination of text and voice (choose English voice acting in the game settings)The ability to download only the necessary voice acting (voices_ru.bin - Russian | voices_en.bin - English)Additions:Battle set of "universal": multi-function battle rifle, a unique camouflage for weapons and power experience;Battle set of "accuracy": one of the most accurate assault rifles, a unique camouflage for weapons and power experience;Battle set of "suppression": rifle with the bulk store, a unique camouflage for all your weapons and power experience;10 gold combat sets, each of which contains additional tools, patches and emblems, amplifiers experience and items for your character. You will receive one set of gold per week for ten weeks from the date of activation of the game
Bcz Bf3 has cracked servers for like 3 years....and ive played online and agree its multiplayer is waay better than singleplayer
I forgot whts the name of the emulator actually...nexus was for BFBC2
Cant really remember which one fr BF3