biochemisty by u satayanarayana.pdfseeders: 7
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biochemisty by u satayanarayana
Third Revised Edition : 2006 pdf file book consists of 7 sections SECTION ONE Chemical constituents of Life ch1 Biomolecules and the cell ch2 Carbohydrates ch3 Lipids ch4 Protein and amino acids ch5 Nucleic acids and nucleotides ch6 Enzymes ch7 Vitamins SECTION TWO Physiological Biochemistry chB Digestion and absorption ch9 Plasma proteins ch10 Hemogloabin and porphyrins ch11 Biological oxidation SECTION THREE Metabolisms ch12 introduction to Metabolism ch13 Metabolism of carbohydrates ch14 Metabolism or lipids ch15 Metabolism of amino acids ch16 Int6gration of metabolism ch17 Metaboliosm of nucleotides ch18 Mineral metabolism SECTION FOUR Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition ch19 Hormones ch20 Organ functions tests ch21 Water,electrolyte and acid-base balance ch22 Tissue proteins and body fluids ch23 Nutrition SECTION FIVE Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ch24 DNA-replication recombination and repair ch25 Transcription and translation ch26 Regulation of gene expression ch27 Recombinant DNA and biotechnolog sEction six Current Topics ch28 Human genome project ch29 Gene therapy ch30 Bioinformatics ch31 metabolism of xenobiotics (detoxification) ch32 Prostaglandins and related compounds ch33 Biological membrane and transport ch34 Free radicals and antioxidants ch35 Environmental chemistry ch36 Insulin glucose homeostasis, and diabetes mellitus ch37 Cancer ch38 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome SECTION SEVEN Basics to Learn Biochemistry ch39 Introduction to bioorganic chemistry ch40 Overview of biophysical chemistry ch41 Tools of biochemistry ch42 lmmunology ch43 Genetics Sharing Widget |