S K I D R O Wthe leading forceproudly presentsBonetown - The Power of Death (c) CPsoft16-02-2015......Release Date Protection.................SteamAdventure..........Game Type Disk(s)....................1 DVDRELEASE NOTESThe Apocalypse Has ArrivedThe ancient writings were clear: "monsters and dark forces of all kindsand forms will come to Earth to punish us for our disobedience to thegodsWe'll be destroyed in a pool of blood, and from that blood we willstart all over again."This ancient book, hidden somewhere in the world, also told of asalvation, a hero, that would come from the skies and banish thedarkness into oblivionWhen I heard of this, I realized that I was in some way involvedThe people believed that I was not a true warrior, but just a littleboy. Well, they were wrongWhen I was a child my parents tried to keep a part of me hiddenperhaps out of fear or maybe just to protect meWhen I grew up I realized what I had in my hands, or rather what I hadinside of mePeople call it the "Power of Death"Sorcerers say that this.. thing.. is the soul of a dragon, Agurah, andit's holed up inside me waiting for the day that I will bring her homeI don't know if it's a true story or not, but I have to start thisjourney to discover this mistery and save my peoplePlay in this epic fantasy-adventure game where you can explore and doeverything you want. Build, craft, search, steal... and fight for yourliberty!INSTALL NOTES1. Unpack the release2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Play the game5. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!GREETINGSTo all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!ascii art by thegodlike & terrific duomalodix + irokostitan artdivision

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