This is a Clash Bot Alternative working better in my opinion
he long awaited best Clash of Clans bot has been updated with tons of new features!* MASSIVE stability improvements* Some DARK TROOPS ARE BACK! ...mostly... -- this feature remains BETA!* Bot no longer makes computer unresponsive during image searches* Added King/Queen upgrading (thanks obudu)* Added reduce memory function to clean up unused resources periodically (thanks Hungrypoo)* Added new option to switch to experience mode if you reach specified criteria* Added full dark elixir storage as a criteria to halt bot* GUI config for upgrade now properly saved (Thanks drummernick12)* PushBullet now includes date and time in messages (Thanks slam666)* Incorporated new experience mode that uses AQ or BK (Thanks drummernick12)* Improved army camp detection when text is obstructed* Clicking "Attack now" now respects the proper type of attack to perform based on base being live or dead* Modified troop lab upgrading to work when Golems are selected* Updated language files (Thanks Electroz)* Added new sum option for resources* When using fewer than 4 sided attack, sides are now randomized* Added donate while idling if a new request is made* Improved text detection* Improvements to work on multiple COC game languages other than English* Modifications to restarting BlueStacks for consistency* Bug fixes for experience mode (thanks drummernick12)* Fixed bug that crashed in certain instances when training custom troops* Fixed troop deployment speeds* Fixed sniping in correct location* Fixed CC deployment* Fixed King/Queen being detected* Fixed King/Queen activation on low health* Fixed number of troops on sides being more consistent* Fixed bot not training wallbreakers in barracks mode* Fixed lab upgrading for those w/ maxed out laboratories (thanks obudu)
Feel free to ask questions in the comments or see software creators websites. Thanks
