Release year : 2005
Genre : Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer : Gearbox Software
Publisher : Ubisoft Entertainment
Published in Russia : Buka
Publication Type : RiP
Language : English/Russian
Tablet : hoodlum
System requirements:
> Operating system : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
> Processor : Pentium III 1000 MHz
> Memory : 256 MB
> Video : 64 MB
> Sound Card : Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0c
> Free space on hard drive : 3 GB
Description :
«Brothers In Arms» - a game based on real events. Sergeant Matt Baker of the 101st Airborne Division, and his platoon abandoned in one of the rural areas of France.
As the events will unfold, you have to choose between a successful implementation of the tasks and the lives of soldiers - your brothers in arms.
«Brothers In Arms» immerse you in a historically authentic atmosphere of World War II. Becoming a party to the eight operations in Normandy, you will get an unforgettable experience as the commander of a small detachment of troops.
Powerful graphics engine (one of the most famous and iconic shooters) allows for unprecedented realism. The developers are proud unmatched historical authenticity of the game, as well as sound quality and addictive gameplay.
Release year : 2005
Genre : Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer : Gearbox Software
Publisher : Ubisoft Entertainment
Published in Russia : Buka
Publication Type : RiP
Language : English/Russian
System requirements:
> Operating system : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
> Processor : Pentium III / AMD Athlon 1 GHz
> Memory : 512 MB
> Video : 64 MB
> Sound Card : Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0c
> Free space on hard disk : 2.4 GB
Description :
Based on a true story game Brothers In Arms Earned In Blood - The next chapter in the history of the 101st Airborne Division. In the role of Sergeant Joe Hartsock, you must move out of the thirtieth height and command a platoon of elite paratroopers in one of the most important operations of the Second World War - the liberation of Normandy.
During the last battles for the liberation of the French elite units of the 101st Airborne will operate deep behind enemy lines. Together with your squad, you should surpass even more aggressive and skilled opponents and survive in the blazing ruins of the city. Brothers In Arms come back with even more action, great storyline and deep historical reliability!
Release year : 2008
Genre : Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer : Gearbox Software
Publisher : Ubisoft Entertainment
Published in Russia : Buka
Publication Type : RiP
Language : English/Russian
System requirements:
> Operating system : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
> Processor : Intel Pentium D 925 3 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon
> Memory : 1 GB
> Video : 256 MB memory and support for DirectX 9 pixel shaders version 3.0
> Sound Card : Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0c
> Free space on hard disk : 12 GB
Description :
World War II. One hundred and first Airborne Division again in fight behind enemy lines ...
You will meet again with friends from previous games series Brothers in Arms characters ─ Sergeants Matt Baker and Joe Hartstokom ─ and take part in the largest airborne operations during the Second World ─ operation "Market-Garden".
Unprecedented graphics and unique gameplay will help you feel in the shoes of the paratroopers.
Features rips
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Game Version - v1.11
Do not recoded
Cut out the multiplayer, Credits (titers developers)
Ability to select a combination of text and voice
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Game Version - v1.03
Do not recoded
Cut out the multiplayer mode, "Fight", Credits (titers developers)
Sewn crack text from Gamer X v1.15
Sewn crack sound from Devil Soft Siberian Studio
Ability to select a combination of text and voice
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
Version of the game - v1.0
Do not recoded
Cut out the multiplayer, attractors and commercials
i even installed in c:eib