Bulk Rename Utility ARSDNseeders: 1
leechers: 0
Bulk Rename Utility ARSDN (Size: 963.9 KB)
Rename Multiple files simultaneously...
Its has a lot of option that you won't even try...hehehe NO VIRUSES!!! CHECKED USING THREE DIFFERENT ANTIVIRUSES...!! More info go to... http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Main_Intro.php Features Bulk Rename Utility has evolved through a series of user-requests, one-off requirements, and general enhancements. Some of the features provided by Bulk Rename Utility include: Rename files, folders or both Remove, add or change text in the file names Perform text substitution Change the case of file names Remove characters or words Remove digits or symbols Append or prepend text to file names Append dates in many formats Append the parent folder's name Auto-number files with flexible rules Automatically preview the new names Sort the file details by any column Group configurations into "favorites" "Bulk Rename Here" Windows Explorer extension Directory recursion - process sub-directories too! Regular Expressions support Rename files from an input text-file list Create an "Undo" batch file Log activity to a log file Change file and folder date/timestamps (created, modified, accessed) Change file/folder attributes (hidden, read-only, archived) All settings retained between sessions 32-bit or 64-bit Rename photos using EXIF metadata (i.e. "Date Picture Taken", "Resolution" and other information embedded in all JPG photo files) Rename MP3 files using ID3 tags (a.k.a. MP3 ID3 tag renaming). Command line support *** ![]() Nothing is true, Everything is Permitted... Sharing Widget |