General Information:Year of release : 2010 Genre : Action Developer : Konami Publisher : MercurySteam Region : Region Free Publication Type : license Firmware : iXtreme 6 Wave Dashboard: 14717 Language : Russian Type of translation : Text On the side of people - the so-called "Brotherhood of Light", which includes the main character by the name of Gabriel Belmont. His every step will be accompanied by the specter of the murdered wife - the fact that the Lords of Darkness sent against a dark spell, which does not allow the souls of the dead get no heaven or hell. In the end, all little soul remains on earth. Gabriel's wife - is no exception. It will protect the earth and the innocent people from attacking any devilry ... The game will take place in medieval Europe. Gabriel once again have to stand alone against the armies of evil and save the world from destruction. In addition to the usual swords, ax and other bladed weapons, Gabriel could use magic artifacts. arsenal bolted to the game system upgrades that complement the "relics" - each of these awards Gabriel one unique ability. game engine came out so good that Mercury Steam refused to use CG-graphics in the ads. Everything you will see in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - this is the real picture, created a unique strength of the engine.

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