[Chinese Language][Music Video] 5 different bands

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Added on February 11, 2008 by in Movies > Music videos
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[Chinese Language][Music Video] 5 different bands (Size: 197.59 MB)
 details.txt1.74 KB
 Disco Generation - Funky Disco.mpg31.41 MB
 Thin Man - Shang Kou.mpg56.96 MB
 Tomahawk - xia chen.mpg50.45 MB
 Twisted machine - mei ren gei ni ni mian zi.mpg32.66 MB
 yaksa - hua fen chi.mpg26.1 MB


[Chinese Language][Music Video] 5 different bands


brought to you by DaoBan



Mainland China rock/punk/metal.

5 bands, 1 video per band

Disco Generation

-Title in English: Funky Disco

Thin Man

-Title in Pinyin: Shang kou

-Title in English: Wound (my translation. Could be a little wrong)


-Title in Pinyin: xia chen

-Title in English: Drowning (my translation. Could be a little wrong)

Twisted Machine

-Title in Pinyin: mei ren gei ni ni mian zi

-Title in English: Noone gives you "face" (my translation. Could be wrong)

-Comment: reminds me of Anthrax


-Title in Pinyin: hua fen chi

-Title in English: Cesspool

-Comment: thrash metal

-More info:

-More info: http://www.emusic.com/album/Yaksa-Zi-You-Freedom-MP3-Download/10907422.html

-More info: http://wiki.chaile.org/index.php/Yaksa


Notes on the files:

-Nothing fancy: VCD -> ISObuster -> .mpg



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[Chinese Language][Music Video] 5 different bands