Title: Christmas Club Bangers 2015 Artist: VA Year: 2014 Genre: Funky , Club House Duration: 3:08:33 Format / Codec: MP3 Bitrate audio: 320 kbps
Track listing01. Rust Blossom- Dance Again! (Fakefunk the Love Remix) (04:20) 02. Marcia Juell- It's What We Live For (Clokx Edit) (03:23) 03. Nick Otronic feat. Lara Loft & Nico Collu- Ladies Night (Original Edit) (03:46) 04. DJ Paf feat. JamilaB- Do Without My Love (Radio Edit) (02:59) 05. Babycakes feat. Chantelle- Addictive (Borderline Jack Edit) (02:37) 06. Mr Vaulin feat. Tawanda- The One (Radio Edit) (03:38) 07. Nick Otronic feat. MathewK- Good Times (Original Edit) (03:22) 08. Rust Blossom- Dance to the Music of the Stars (Galactik Knights Remix) (04:49) 09. Bonzer- Sunset (Original Mix) (06:24) 10. Denis Palesso- Overload (Radio Edit) (03:28) 11. Desvork- Remember (Original Mix) (04:58) 12. Luka Sambe- Chombo (Radio Edit) (03:07) 13. 27 Sundays- Zagabigi (Original Mix) (04:08) 14. Rust Blossom- Live in Silence (Niels Vonk Edit) (04:11) 15. Corporate Fony- Way of All Things (07:00) 16. Misha Fisst- Dissolved (Radio Edit) (03:52) 17. Denis Palesso- Overtime (Original Mix) (05:46) 18. Jonathan Mark- Amsterdam (27 Sundays Radio Edit) (03:18) 19. Rust Blossom feat. Dorine Levy- One True Love (Mr Black & Blue Remix) (05:27) 20. Amsel & Dohle- Appagio (Filter Bear Remix) (06:21) 21. Corporate Fony- Find It Kinda (06:51) 22. Rust Blossom- Close (Fakefunk Remix) (04:39) 23. Gurban Abbasli- One Love (Nikita Rise & Roman Akrill Remix) (05:48) 24. Flunki & Delo feat. Becky Tate- Yesterday (Radio Edit) (03:50) 25. Denis Palesso- Under Control (Jay Forest Remix) (05:00) 26. Luka Sambe- Island Life (Guido Luiten Remix) (04:32) 27. Stage Rockers- Red Lamp of China (Desvork Remix) (06:56) 28. TEFlo- Energy (Radio Edit) (03:32) 29. MJ Salam- Messing Around (Original Mix) (06:03) 30. Luka Sambe- Bloodthirsty (Patrick Veldt Remix) (04:37) 31. The Beatfreakz- Now You Go (Original Mix) (05:24) 32. Misha Fisst- Energize (Biggie Dutch Remix) (04:49) 33. Biggie Dutch- Rock & Roll (Original Mix) (06:19) 34. The Beatfreakz- Do not Stop (Original Mix) (05:26) 35. Dudeman- Experience (Radio Edit) (03:37) 36. 27 Sundays- Dawn (Radio Edit) (03:11) 37. Biggie Dutch- Get Up (Original Mix) (05:03) 38. Erwin Koning- Wait Until the Drop (06:03) 39. Misha Fisst- Beatfire (Radio Edit) (03:51) 40. Holy Moon- Tribal (05:36)