Churchill's Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis [Epub] [StormRG]seeders: 62
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Churchill's Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis [Epub] [StormRG] (Size: 2.43 MB)
Author: Andrew T Raftery BSc MBChB(Hons) MD FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Ed) (Author), Eric KS Lim MB ChB MD MSc FRCS(C-Th) (Author), Andrew J K Östör MB BS FRACP (Author)
Series: Churchill Pocketbooks Paperback: 622 pages Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 4 edition (May 28, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 070205402X ISBN-13: 978-0702054020 Format: Retail Epub Reader Required: Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, MoonReader for Android NOTE: no PDF available, if you want it to scroll like a PDF just read it in Calibre. This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Tested on the above readers with no problems on laptop and Android tablet. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions or problem with the download, as comments on the torrent are easy to miss. Please allow a couple seconds for the seedboxes to kick in, then it should move pretty quick. Hope it helps in your studies. Go for it! :D ![]() Cover from actual book file Making a correct diagnosis is one of the key aspects of every medical student's and junior doctor's clinical training, and problem-based learning is now widely used to focus on the causes behind the presentation of a clinical feature. The Fourth Edition of this best-selling book is packed full of information to help the reader move from a presenting problem to an accurate diagnosis. This Fourth Edition covers 127 common presenting problems in both medicine and surgery in a consistent format. Each topic includes a list of all potential causes of the condition, colour coded to indicate common, occasional or rare causes. Important geographical variations are also highlighted. Two sections cover the differential diagnosis of biochemical and haematological disorders which provide a ready check when reviewing abnormal results The text includes a targeted guide to the relevant general and specific follow-up investigations which should be carried out as appropriate. At the end of each topic a box highlights important learning points, or indicates symptom and signs suggestive of significant pathology which require urgent action. Eighty colour photographs of key clinical presentations have been added to assist symptom recognition. Two new chapters on Hypotension and Photophobia. ![]() Scientia est potentia Request textbooks by making a torrent request or here: KAT Book Request Thread Related Torrents
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