CircleLauncher v2.4.1 FULL VERSION Androidseeders: 2
leechers: 1
CircleLauncher v2.4.1 FULL VERSION Android (Size: 784.81 KB)
DescriptionCircleLauncher v2.4.1 This widget will help you to start your prefered apps or call your best friends - but with style! You can add some frequently used apps, contacts or bookmarks to this launcher and start those apps, contacts or bookmarks with one click from a circle, a horizontal or a vertical line. Use the included launcher icons, load your own image or use a icon from any icon pack (CircleLauncher icon packs, ADW and Go Launcher icon packs supported). If you slide over the icons, they are animated a little bit mac-like ... just try it! New Parallax FX [beta]: look behind the widget like on iOS7! This effect can be enabled in the settings: 'More Settings' > 'More ...' > 'Parallax FX' - the result is highly dependent on the sensor in your phone ... some are perfect, other will not work very well. Looks best with '3D Image Live Wallpaper' Additional features in the full version: - custom icons for the icon on the homescreen - support for ADW icon packs for the icon on the homescreen - vertical and horizontal launcher versions Please don't move the app to the sd card - it won't work! ![]() Sharing Widget |