Cisdem PDFConverterOCR v3.1.0 - Mac OS Xseeders: 8
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Cisdem PDFConverterOCR v3.1.0 - Mac OS X (Size: 389.78 MB)
Description![]() ![]() PDFConverterOCR is the best mac PDF Converter with OCR ability, which can convert both normal and scanned PDF documents into editable and well-formatted Word, Text, PowerPoint, Excel, Rtfd, ePub, HTML, keynote, pages, etc. After the PDF conversion, all the original text, images, graphics, tables, etc. are exactly preserved. Reusing and editing PDF has never been simpler. Convert Native/Scanned PDF to Word, Text, Excel, ePub, Keynote, etc. Need to make changes to a normal or scanned PDF? Save time from retyping. With Mac PDF Converter OCR you can convert your native (including password protected PDFs)and scanned PDF to Word(.docx, .doc), PowerPoint, Excel, Text, Rtfd, ePub, HTML, Pages, keynote, and images(JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF) all while retaining the original fonts, images, and formatting. OCR Text in PDF and Image Files Many instruction manuals and booklets are saved in hardcopy documents, which is an ideal way to supplement your work and study, now use your digital camera or mobile phone as a portable “scanner” to capture text from hardcopy documents. Then, with Mac PDF Converter OCR, you can easily turn scans of paper documents, PDF files, and digital photographs into searchable and editable formats. Selection of Area on Page for OCR PDFConverterOCR for Mac lets you convert images with text into text documents using automated computer algorithms. It automatically marks every part of a loaded PDF or image in different color based on the nature of a given part. Or you can do a more delicate handwork on PDF or image files with 4 options: Select, Mark Texts, Mark Images, and Mark Tables. OCR with 49 Languages PDF OCR Converter for Mac offers the ability to scan and recognize text in 49 languages, including English, French, Italian, Chinese, German, Russian, Czech, Turkish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian, Greek, Croatian, Bulgarian etc. and support to convert PDF files that composed in multiple languages conversion. Accurate PDF OCR Conversion Accuracy is the core of an OCR PDF converter app, PDF OCR Converter for Mac uses advanced OCR (optical character recognition) technology to extract the text of the PDF even if that text is contained in an image. With up to 99.8% character recognition accuracy, we assure you that the converted documents look exactly like the original - tables, columns and graphics. Tech Specifications: OS X 10.7 Lion, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Convertir archivos PDF escaneados y normales, e imágenes en Word, Texto, PPT, Keynote, Pages, etc. en Mac OS. Cisem PDFConverterOCR es un potente conversor de PDF con la capacidad de OCR, que puede convertir archivos PDF a normal y escaneado en formatos editables - Word, texto, PowerPoint, Excel, RTFD, ePub, HTML, Keynote, Pages, etc Después de la conversión de PDF, todo el contenido original, tales como texto, imágenes, gráficos, tablas, etc., se conserva exactamente. Con hasta 49 idiomas para el reconocimiento de texto. Es la herramienta preferida para convertir archivos PDF en varios idiomas con OCR para todos: usuarios domésticos, usuarios de negocios en el trabajo, y las instituciones educativas. Otras características: Quite el texto, las tablas y las imágenes escaneadas archivos PDF en los archivos manejables y realizar búsquedas. Características principales: 1. Convertir PDF y normal y la imagen escaneada incluso. 2. Soporte de PDF a la palabra-de-pase restringido. 3. Apoyo a 49 idiomas para el reconocimiento de texto. 4. Convertir casi todos los formatos editables. Requiere Intel Mac OS X 10.7 o posterior. Sharing Widget |