Clemencic Consort - Carmina Burana[Lossy Mp3 320 Kbps] [Tntvillage]

Carmina Burana (pronounced /'k?rm?n? b?'r??n?/), Latin for "Songs from Beuern" (short for: Benediktbeuern), is the name given to a manuscript of 254 poems and dramatic texts from the 11th or 12th century, although some are from the 13th century. The pieces were written almost entirely in Medieval Latin; a few in Middle High German, and some with traces of Old French or Provençal. Many are macaronic, a mixture of Latin and German or French vernacular.
They were written by students and clergy when the Latin idiom was the lingua franca across Italy and western Europe for travelling scholars, universities and theologians. Most of the poems and songs appear to be the work of Goliards, clergy (mostly students) who set up and satirized the Catholic Church. The collection preserves the works of a number of poets, including Peter of Blois, Walter of Châtillon and an anonymous poet, referred to as the Archpoet.
The collection was found in 1803 in the Benedictine monastery of Benediktbeuern, Bavaria, and is now housed in the Bavarian State Library in Munich. Along with the Carmina Cantabrigiensia, the Carmina Burana is the most important collection of Goliard and vagabond songs.
The manuscripts reflect an "international" European movement, with songs originating from Occitania, France, England, Scotland, Aragon, Castile and the Holy Roman Empire.
Generally, the works contained in the Carmina Burana can be arranged into four groups according to theme:
1. 55 songs of morals and mockery (CB 1–55),
2. 131 love songs (CB 56–186),
3. 40 drinking and gaming songs (CB 187–226), and
4. two longer spiritual theater pieces (CB 227 and 228).
This outline, however, has many exceptions. CB 122–134, which are categorized as love songs, actually are not: they contain a song for mourning the dead, a satire, and two educational stories about the names of animals. There also likely was another group of spiritual poems included in the Carmina Burana, but they have since been lost.[12] The attached folio contains a mix of 21 generally spiritual songs: a prose-prayer to Saint Erasmus and four more spiritual plays, some of which have only survived as fragments. These larger thematic groups can also be further subdivided, for example, the end of the world (CB 24–31), songs about the crusades (CB 46–52) or reworkings of writings from antiquity (CB 97–102).
Other frequently recurring themes include: critiques on simony and greed in the church, that, with the advent of the monetary economy in the 12th century, rapidly became an important issue (CB 1–11, 39, 41–45); lamentations in the form of the planctus, for example about the ebb and flow of human fate (CB 14–18) or about death (CB 122–131); the hymnic celebration of the return of spring (CB 132, 135, 137, 138, 161 and others); pastourelles about the rape/seduction of shepherdesses by knights, students/clergymen (CB 79, 90, 157–158); and the description of love as military service (CB 60, 62, and 166), a topos known from Ovid's elegiac love poems. Ovid and especially his erotic elegies were reproduced, imitated and exaggerated in the Carmina Burana. In other words, for those unfamiliar with Ovid's work, depictions of sexual intercourse in the manuscript are frank and even sometimes aggressive. CB 76, for example, makes use of the first-person narrative to describe a ten hour love act with the goddess of love herself, Venus (ternens eam lectulo / fere decem horis).
Ludus duodecim scriptorum players, from the Carmina Burana
The Carmina Burana contains numerous poetic descriptions of a raucous medieval paradise (CB 195–207, 211, 217, 219), for which the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, known for his advocation of the blissful life, is even taken as an authority on the subject (CB 211). CB 219 describes, for example, an ordo vagorum (vagrant order) to which people from every land and clerics of all rankings were invited—even presbyter cum sua matrona, or "priests and their wives" (humorous because Catholic priests must swear an oath of celibacy). In this parody world, the rules of priesthood include sleeping in, eating heavy food and drinking rich wine, and regularly playing dice games. These rules were described in such detail that older research on the Carmina Burana took these descriptions for their word and assumed there actually existed such a lazy order of priests. In fact, though, this outspoken revery of living delights and freedom from moral obligations shows "an attitude towards life and the world that stands in stark contrast to the firmly established expectations of life in the Middle Ages." The literary researcher Christine Kasper considers this description of a bawdy paradise as part of the early history of the European story of the land of Cockaigne: in CB 222 the abbas Cucaniensis, or Abbot of Cockaigne, is said to have presided over a group of dice players.
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The Clemencic Consort was founded in 1969 by recorder player and early music specialist René Clemencic. Clemencic was one of the first musicians to explore in depth, and perform, the music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance using the instruments and performance practice of the time. He formed the Clemencic Consort after leaving his previous group, the Ensemble Musica Antiqua (with which he had been involved since 1958).
The Clemencic Consort's repertoire is wide, drawing on music from the medieval period (like the twelfth century anonymous Play of Daniel and Le Roman de Fauvel) through the Renaissance and Baroque eras. They have even made occasional forays into modern avant-garde music, including some compositions by Clemencic himself. One of the Consort's specialties is the revival of little known operas from the seventeenth century, such as Jacopo Peri's Euridice. The Consort has recorded extensively and won many awards, including the Edison Prize, Grand Prix du Disque, Diapason d'Or, and Prix Cecilia.

[Evidenzio]Duration : 3:42.627 (9817836 samples)
Sample Rate : 44100 Hz
Channels : 2
Bitrate : 320 kbps
Codec : MP3
Codec Profile : MP3 CBR
Encoding : lossy
Tool : LAME3.98r
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