Release Date: October-November 2007
Genre: Action, Shooter, 3D, 1st Person
Developer: MercurySteam Entertainment
Publisher: Codemasters
Language: Russian
Language: Russian
Publishing Type: RePack
Code disk: BLES-00120
Required firmware version: CFW 3.40+
Tested on firmware: Habib 4.78 CFW
Past and future lost in the African desert city of Al Khali in confusion, when the evil has invaded our world through spatial faults. The detachment of special purpose "Jericho", owning both the traditional and the paranormal ways of warfare, given the task to locate and destroy the source of evil that engulfed the city. But for this they have to make chilling journey through time, plunging ever deeper into the dark past of the city. Unremarkable town meet strangers in several guises: the smoking ruins of the Nazi occupation, the Arab town of the era of the Crusaders, the majestic Roman settlement and futuristic landscapes of the fourth millennium.
"Do not even evil was so real. Modern graphics technologies in conjunction with the gloomy imagination of Clive Barker create an atmosphere of genuine, overwhelming terror.
"Devilishly cunning and calculating, evil generation, have to fight the fire, sword and sorcery.
"The intuitive control system allows to coordinate the actions of the detachment, even if your soldiers are in different eras.
"The unique combat skills and paranormal abilities of each fighter will become stronger in times when members of the squad work together.
Features RePack versions
"Do not cut | no recoded
"Running through the icon on the XMB (no manager)
"Game Version - 1.0
»RePack by PURGEN
Installation instructions from the disk:
"Write the file to disk.
"We put the disc in the console and go to Game / Install Package Files
"Choosing the installation file, and press X.
"Run the game through HMV.
Installation Instructions with Flash cards:
"Copy the file (s) to the carrier.
"Insert Flash into the console and go to Game / Install Package Files
"Choosing the installation file, and press X.
"Run the game through HMV.
Screenshots : 

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