Collection of 282 XORpads and 3DS ROM torrents for easy CIA conversion and CFW installationseeders: 2
leechers: 1
Collection of 282 XORpads and 3DS ROM torrents for easy CIA conversion and CFW installation (Size: 1.2 GB)
Collection of 282 XORpads and 3DS ROM torrents for easy CIA conversion and CFW installation
A collection of 282 XORpad pairs for an easy 3DS less 3DS to CIA conversion for playing cracked games on CFW. The following steps will help you to convert an encrypted 3DS ROMs to CIA files. It will be very easy! 1. Search all wanted ROMs in "RomList.txt" and download EXACTLY this ROMs (same titleid) from a torrent in the "3ds_torrents" folder or the internet. The region MUST be identical but the CIA will be region-free and playable on any 3DS handheld. 2. Move this encrypted ROMs into the "roms" folder. You might need to extract them first! 3. Open "3DS Simple CIA Converter.exe", press "Convert 3DS ROM to CIA" and wait until it's done. If it freezes, just wait! 4. Move the converted CIA file from the "cia" folder to the root folder of your 3DS SD-Card 5. Boot into CFW and using FBI (health and safety injection) or BigBlueMenu to install the unverified CIA file. Have fun and don't forget to seed! FAQ: How to get encrypted 3DS ROMS: From the "3ds_torrents" folder (, or How to setup EmuNAND: See or don't forget to unlink NANDS before updating emuNAND! Conversion Error: "ExHeader decryption failed. Wrong XORpad?" Are you sure that the source ROM is encrypted? If yes then try to generate the XORpads by your own as explained below. Conversion Error: File "xxx.Main.exhader.xorpad" not found! What I have to do? If this happens, you try to convert a ROM which isn't in this XORpad collection. Recheck the ROM region! If you want do generate the xorpads by your own press "Create 'ncchinfo.bin' file" in the 3DS Simple CIA Converter and copy the generated ncchinfo.bin and the CONTENT of the "Decrypt9WIP" into the root of your 3DS SD-Card. Insert the SD-Card into your 3DS and boot into TheHomebrewLauncher select Decrypt9WIP => XORpad Generator Options => NCCH Padgen after this is done insert it back into your computer and copy the generated XORpads from SD-Card/decrypt9 to the xorpad folder Now the conversion should work without any problems. ROMs that are released after 19 April 2016 won't be in this seeddb.bin! You will get updated seeddb.bin versions from sites like The installed CIA doesn't appear on the home screen: Just try again. Something with the converting or installing process went completely wrong! Why don't you uploading a collection of 282 CIA files? Because a lot of people don't know how to only download specific ROMs from a torrent and nobody needs all this CIAs at once. You get all keys and the encrypted ROM can be found very easy on the internet and also if this torrent will die due to a DCMA takedown or no seeds you will still have all keys on your computer and don't need to worry. The XORpads are also over two hundreds times smaller than the whole CIA collection would be so it don't needs that much bandwidth and space on your computer. Sharing WidgetTrailer |