Cosmopolitan - October 2010
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Cosmopolitan is the magazine for millions of fun, fearless females who want to be the best they can be in every area of their lives. Every issue has everything you need to be the most fabulous, sexy you! Spice up your love life and your whole life with Cosmopolitan !
58 Christina: ‘My Sex Life Is More Experimental Than Before’
No longer is Ms Aguilera keeping schtum about men. Bring it on, Xtina!
64 O-Quake! 12Ways To Bed-ShakingSex Want mind-blowing orgasms every time?
You’d better flick to this page…
86 Cr-r-r-inge! When parents behave badly…
147 Shop Happy! Purses at the ready, ladies – you’re not going to be able to resist these beauties
204 86 Best Beauty Buys In The Universe Cosmo’s annual BeautyAwards has unearthed some more beauty must-haves
264 SalaryWars We ask a selection of women the most taboo question of all: “How much do you earn?”
33 StarsWho Rocked Heavy-Metal Hot Sometimes celebs get it so right, other times, not so much
34 BeautyWhat’s Sexy Now Pretty hair and fresh faces
39 FashionWhat’s Sexy Now Cool, quirky tees
41 Lust Haves The great outdoors just got sexy
42 Everyone’s Talking About…October’s best books, films, music and TV
44 The Great ‘Dog Whistle’Debate Our August feature about nightmare females struck such a chord that you wrote in to air your (very strong) views
53 Confessions Your fancy-dress faux pas
74 Cosmo’s Best Dressed Of 2010
The 10 most stylish celebs of the year
91 Sexless Infidelity Are you ‘cheating’ on your man with a glass of wine, shopping spree or sly cigarette?
98 Take Cosmo’s Colour Sex Test Are you an orange, purple or green? And what does it mean?
101 Argh!!! I’m Having A Bad-Life Day! Cosmo is here to help you through those days that make you want to scream!
112 Sex And The Single girl Wanted: Mr Perfect. Cosmo’s resident single lady, Rosie Mullender, gets ‘branded’
119 Sex And The Not So Single girl “Where’s the passion gone?” asks Fiona Cowood
141 Sex Therapy Rachel Morris sorts your between-thesheets problems
143 Ask Irma Nononsense advice
145 Dr Linda’s Life Skills Iron out your issues
298 Cosmo Commandments 10 rules of midweek partying news & real life
47 ‘I Jailed My Abusive Dad’ Siobhan Pyburn endured years of horrific abuse at the hands of her father – but one day she decided it was time for justice
92 A Night Out In Kabul Three British women reveal the highs and lows of livingin one of the world’s most dangerous cities
104 ‘He’s Going To Kill Me For Causing This Trouble’When Katie Summers said this to her sister, she had no idea she was right fashion
147 Fashion Opener Gutsy glamour
148 Mad About The girl And mad about the clothes
158 Classics Just Got Cute Staple pieces with animal magic. Purrfect!
168 Baroque & Roll When the sun goes down, the hot clothes come out to play
176 High-Street Hitlist Feast your eyes on bags and boots aplenty
186What’s Hot Shelly Vella on what’s sizzlin’
189 Fashion Iwant… matchingjump ers
190 Specs Appeal Glasses to goggle over
193 Catwalk To Cosmo Trends, trends, trends
196 These Boots Were Made For… every size and shape!
199 Bags OfCharm Gorgeous arm candy
200 The Remix Give your old favourites some oomph
201 Get The Celeb Look Tone up your legs in style
203 Beauty Opener And… pout
226 Hottest Celebrity Makeovers From Nicole Richie to Cheryl Cole – how A-listers reinvent their looks
233 Beauty Buzz We test serums, fruity beauty and fashionable fragrances
234 Inside My Makeup Bag Davina McCall lets us delve deep
241 Beauty Iwant… juicy skin
243 Your Beauty Expert All your beauty dilemmas sorted
251 30 Days OfF ashion & Beauty The biggest celebration of fabulousness around
263 3Ways To Bounce Back From Embarrassment Put out those red cheeks
269 The Secret OfBeing Happy Katherine Heigl opens up about grief, being a mum and her man’s dodgy hair
270 The Rise of the ‘Pharma Friends’ We report on the increasingnumb er of women poppingtheir friends’ pills
273 Body News The latest news to help keep you healthy
275 ‘Iwas 26 But Felt Like A 2-Year- Old’When Kerry Ellis was diagnosed with a deadly virus, she had to go right back to the beginning…
277 Retro Rocks Fun things for your home with a cool ’80s vibe. Cowabunga!
279 Souper! Warm your cockles with a nice bowl of the steamy stuff
283 Cosmo’s Guide To Eco Travel Explore the planet – but don’t ruin it
287 10 SexyWays To Go Green Saving the planet can be hot offers
195 Half-Price Sale On Eurostar Breaks! Get to Paris, Bruges, Lille or Brussels for less
279 More than £300 ofkitchen magic up for grabs Win one of four blenders
289 A Two-Night Hotel Break From £65! We love a bargainin everY issUe
290Where To Shop
291 October Star The Man Manual
121 3 Things Men Are Thinking About This Month Inside his head, at last
122 What Goes Through Men’s Minds… about the men you’ve slept with
129 Are Lads’ Mags Bad For Men? How bad can boobs, cars and, er, more boobs be?
130 ‘Women Ask,Would You Bite Me Please?’ And do you, Stephen Moyer?
133 CSI: Love Rat How to spot a cheat
134 What Makes A Man Propose? How these women went from girlfriend to wife
136 Our Salute To 15 Kick-Ass Men From Brad Pitt to Gok Wan, good on ya, chaps!
139 Centrefold Gavin Henson gives us chills