Counter Strike 1 6 Modern Warfare 2

seeders: 3
leechers: 0
Added on April 20, 2011 by mexo2in Games > PC
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Counter Strike 1 6 Modern Warfare 2 (Size: 758 MB)
 Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2.exe758 MB


As the name says, in this Counter Strike 1.6 version we tried to bring some of the MW2 look and gameplay into CS 1.6. This is not justa reskinned CS 1.6, the changes made to the game are significant.

Weapon skinns and models are made to look like those in Modern Warfare 2, player models, even some animations, too. We changed the sounds and some controls to make it feel like MW2 gameplay.
This CS 1.6 MW2 version is playable online, on any server you like, but you can play on a LAN server (with or without bots) started ingame from Create Server, if you like.
1. Specific key bindings
- E - quick slash (press and hold down the key for fasn knife hit)
- F - quick flash throw (press and hold down the key ; you have to buy the flashbang first)
- Mouse 3 - quick he throw (press and hold down the key ; you have to buy the he grenade first)
- C - flashlight
- V - Use Item
2. If you want to change the specific binds, go to cstrike\\userconfig.cfg (lines 71,76,81).
To disable those bindings just comment the lines (put // in front of them), and then bind whatever key you want ingame (Options -> Keyboard).
3. You can start a LAN listenserver from Create Server, and add bots.
4. You can enable/disable some plugins for listensever in
5. Thew game`s default instalation is on 1024x768 resolution. If you use a wide screen desktop you can change the backround, game menu, to fit to your resolution.
Go to Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2\\cstrike and delete or rename the resource folder. Rename resource_wide folder to resource, then in game chose the 1280X720 resolution.

Installer size: 758 MB
Installed game size: 1.4 GB

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Counter Strike 1 6 Modern Warfare 2

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slow dl T,T
worked perfact !!!!!! thxxxx uploader