Simply ReleaseS Proudly presents:
Crazy Heart /2009/BluRay-2-DVD/NTSC/DD5.1/NLsub

Fifty-seven year old Otis Blake - better known by his stage name Bad Blake - is a minor legend as a country & western singer. But that minor legend status only allows him currently to perform in not even B-rate venues such as bowling alleys, although he does have a standing gig to perform at his friend Wayne Kramer's bar in Houston. Bad is an overweight, chain-smoking alcoholic. He is informed by a doctor that his self-destructive lifestyle will send him to an early grave. This self-destructive behavior has also led to several failed marriages and a grown son who he has not seen since he was aged four and whose current whereabouts Bad does not know. While performing in Santa Fe, Bad meets newspaper journalist Jean Craddock, who wants to do a piece on him for her newspaper. Despite the differences in their ages, Jean and Bad begin a relationship. Jean and her four year old son Buddy are the closest thing Bad has had to a family in quite some time. Bad's professional career also takes a turn when he reconnects with a more famous former touring partner named Tommy Sweet, who wants Bad to write some songs for him. What looks to be both a promising professional and personal future for Bad may be jeopardized by his long standing self-destructive lifestyle.
Vanaf 25 Maart in de bioscoop
Verenigde Staten
111 minuten
geregisseerd door Scott Cooper
met Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal en Colin Farell
Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is een alcoholistische countryzanger wiens carrière in de slop zit. Hij slaagt er echter in zijn leven en muzikale carrière weer op de rails te krijgen dankzij zijn relatie en ervaringen met de journaliste Jean Craddock (Maggie Gyllenhaal). Blake krijgt namelijk de kans om de jonge, talentvolle Tommy Sweet (Colin Farrell) onder zijn hoede te nemen.
Crazy Heart (2009)
Movie..............: Crazy Heart (2009)
genre..............: Drama
Source.............: Crazy Heart 2009 720p BluRay x264-METiS
Format.............: DVDR
runtime............: 111 min.
Menu...............: Nope
Video..............: High Quality Convert
Audio..............: Eng: AC3 DD 5.1
Subtitles..........: Vertaald door Smokey, Delapluma en Depositair. , super job Team
Controle...........: Smokey
Bewerking+Resync...: Jodinho
Nu dan de retail, met als source de originele bluray, en met Engelse DD 5.1!