Speed Peers Group presents:
Dk.Skart's Release, only good FANTAHORROR torrent!!!!!!!!!

FRONT COVER --> http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/2990/critters4front.jpg
INSIDE COVER --> http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3861/critters4inside.jpg
DVD LABEL --> http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/6726/critters4label.jpg
Runtime: 01:30:35
Format: DVD5
Dimension: 3.69 GB
TV system: PAL
Menù: YES
Languages: Italian DD 5.1 - English DD 5.1
Subtitles: Italian - English
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Picture Format: Widescreen
Compression: Nothing
Deleted: nothing - FULL
Extra: Trailer


IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101628/
Original Title: Critters 4: They're Invading Your Space
Italian Title: Critters 4
Other Title (AKA): Critters 4 (Portugal / Spain)
Criaturas 4 (Brazil)
Critters 4 - kuka kättäsi nakertaa? (Finland)
Critters No 4 [Greece (TV title)]
Rémecskék 4. [Hungary (imdb display title)]
Country: USA
Year: 1992
Genre: Comedy, Fanta-Horror, SCI-FI
Directed By: Rupert Harvey
Story By: Rupert Harvey, Barry Opper
Make-Up: Barrie Buckner, Christina Criswell, Suzanne Parker Sanders
Screenplay: Joseph Lyle, David J. Schow
Photography: Thomas L. Callaway
Edited By: Terry Stokes
Special Effect: Jason Bakutis, Frank Ceglia, Tom Ceglia, Steve Fink, Paul Haines, Dean Mercil, Paul Salamoff, Tom Williamson
Music: Peter Manning Robinson
Scenography: Philip Dean Foreman
Don Keith Opper: Charlie McFadden
Terrence Mann: Tetra/Ug
Paul Whitthorne: Ethan
Anders Hove: Rick
Angela Bassett: Fran
Brad Dourif: Al Bert
Eric DaRe: Bernie
Anne Ramsay: Dr. McCormick
TRAMA (Italian)
Poco prima di distruggere le ultime due uova di Critters, Charlie viene a sapere che l'estinzione della razza è considerata illegale. Poi, per un equivoco, Charlie si perde nello spazio, e solo dopo parecchi anni viene ritrovato da Rick e dai suoi uomini. Incuriosito, Rick apre la scatola delle uova: c'è di nuovo lavoro per Charlie..
PLOT (English)
Iust before bounty hunter Charile triggers his gun to destroy the last two Critter-eggs, he gets a message that it would be illegal to extinguish the race from the galaxy. He's sent a transporter where he puts the eggs - unfortunately the transporter takes him with it and then gets lost in space. After 53 deep-frozen years, he's found by a private wreckage collector team under the unscrupulous Rick. On behalf of the mighty company Terracor they bring him to an empty space station - but Rick is curious and opens the box... so Charlie has work again, to keep the Critters from eating everybody. (Source: IMDB)

Rest In Seed, please...........
UPLOAD --> 500 KBps, Speed Peers Group powered!!!!!!!!!!!!!