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Added on June 26, 2016 by IGGGAMESin Games
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D/Generation HD PROPER-PROPHET (Size: 547.97 MB)
 GAMESTORRENT.CO.url196 bytes
 IGG-GAMES.COM.url198 bytes
 Readme.txt286 bytes
 prophet.nfo12.99 KB
 ppt-dghp.iso547.95 MB


kproudly announcesD/Generation HD *PROPER* (c) West Coast Softwarerelease date: June 2769protection: Steam# of discs: 1languages: ENThe year is 2021, and Genoq has become a leadingcorporation in bio-medical research. However thetower, some 90 stories high, is not all that itseems. Somewhere within the tower, highly illegalbio-weapons research has been conducted in secretJune 26th, disaster strikes and the lethal organicweapons have escaped and threaten not only thestaff members stranded in the tower, but the worlditselfYou arrive on the 80th floor with an urgent packageaddressed to Derrida, the lead scientist at Genoqworking on the bio-weapons research. Set back fromyour goal, you must climb the tower, assistingthose in need or focusing solely on your task athand, and stopping the virus from escaping thetower and threatening all life on the planetWill you help the stranded survivors or hinderthem? Can you deliver the package to Derrida intime? Can you prevent the impending catastrophe andescape with your life?1- Unpack, burn or mount2- Install the game3- Copy the cracked content from PROPHET dir4- Go To Hell!PROPER:POSTMORTEM in their release have included customdata (whole _CommonRedist folder which is notpresent in original steam version) which iscorrupted - their installer crashes while tryingto install DirectX* currently we are looking for:> talented cracker> experienced movie ripper> supply games ENGLiSH / MULTi / POLiSH> supply any stuff(movies, apps, even spycam porn of your sister)> supply hardware (box , ftps, etc.)* you match the description? maybe you can join us!*** WE'RE AFTER AFFILIATE PRE SITES IN EURO AND ASIA ***teamppt [at] gmail [dot] comRELOADED + ALiAS + 0x0007 + REVOLVER + HI2UJAGUAR + CRD + TBE + rG + MAZE + PROFiT + ZEKEo3.2oo9ascii: korma[67]

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