DC Universe 52 February 2013 (darkhomr) [KAT]seeders: 4
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DC Universe 52 February 2013 (darkhomr) [KAT] (Size: 2.13 GB)
Todays pack includes all the DCU titles for January 2013. People ask me where I get my numbering from since i seem to be two weeks ahead of everyone else. Week 1 was a two title week, with only Flashpoint #5 and Justice League #1 being published. Week 14 was a light week with only one title from the 52 Universe. Fact is, its not the numbering that matters, its the content.
Before uploading these, I am opening them with ComicRack, and made sure they all opened there. If there are problems please let me know. As usual, these are not my scans. Thanks to the original scanners and uppers. If you like what you got here, please purchase them in some form. If this torrent has no seeds please msg me privately. I will be glad to reup anything that has no seeds. It is my policy to not publish my weekly packs unless they are complete, but no later than Friday morning. If you have questions or requests, please message me privately. All descriptions are from DC and taken from Comiclist. Currently looking for independent scanners who might want an additional way to show off your work, or who are not part of a release group. I am willing to release your stuff and put it on my seedboxes. If you are interested, please message darkhomr on H33T or KAT. ALso looking for people who want to release audio books and other such items. As I predicted earlier, we will have another round of cancellations in January, and new titles in February. The last issue of Frankenstein: Agent of Shade, Blue Beetle, Grifter, and Legion Lost will be released in January. Replacing them will be Threshhold, Katana, Justice League of America, and Justice League Presents Vibe Todays pack includes all the DCU titles for Februrary 6, 2013. People ask me where I get my numbering from since I seem to be two weeks ahead of everyone else. Week 1 was a two title week, with only Flashpoint #5 and Justice League #1 being published. Week 14 was a light week with only one title from the 52 Universe. Fact is, its not the numbering that matters, its the content. Before uploading these, I am opening them with ComicRack, and made sure they all opened there. If there are problems please let me know. As usual, these are not my scans. Thanks to the original scanners and uppers. If you like what you got here, please purchase them in some form. If this torrent has no seeds please msg me privately. I will be glad to reup anything that has no seeds. It is my policy to not publish my weekly packs unless they are complete, but no later than Friday morning. If you have questions or requests, please message me privately. All descriptions are from DC and taken from Comiclist. My release packs are as follows: DC Universe 52 (Wednesdays based on scanners release times, but not later than Friday morning) Marvel NOW! (Marvel Comics in the NOW! universe will be released Wednesdays, based on scanners release times) Total Marvel (All Marvel Universe comics, released on Thursday, based on scanners release times) Zero Day (Marvel, DC and Independent comics, released between Saturday night and Sunday afternoon) Independent Scanners (from scanners not affiliated with groups, released on Mondays) DC Monthly (all DC Universe comics for the month, released the first Friday after the end of the month) Total Marvel Monthly (all Marvel Universe comics, released the first Tuesday after the end of the month) Coming up is the next round of cancellations from DC's New 52 universe. In April and May we will see the cancellations of Firestorm, Savage Hawkman, Team 7, Deathstroke, Ravagers and Sword and Sorcery, in addition to DC Universe Presents and I, Vampire in April. Replacing them will be The Green Team, The Movement in May, as well as Constintine in March. Rumoured also is a new Superman title and a bolstering of the "Young" titles which are down to two right now. I will keep you updated. ***WEEK of 2/6/2013*** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Animal Man #17 (CBR 02/06/2013) The epic climax of 'ROTWORLD' starts here and continues into this month's SWAMP THING #17! All hope seems lost! Can Buddy find a way to stop the Rot before it takes over the world? Before that can even happen, Buddy must confront the horrible truth about the fate of his family. Batwing #17 (CBR 02/06/2013) 'BATWING: ENEMY OF THE STATE' continues! Batwing learns the hard way that you can't bring justice to a country that doesn't want it! Plus: Batwing battles the Sky Pirate! Detective Comics #17 (CBR 02/06/2013) The repercussions of 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY' spread as Batman tracks down the League of Smiles, a criminal group of psychotic killers that worship The Joker! Deadly new villains are introduced-and you won't believe their horrific ties to Arkham Asylum! Plus: In the backup story, learn the secrets behind The League of Smiles' beginnings! Dial H #9 (CBR 02/06/2013) DIAL M for MINOTAURA! Friend or foe? Rescuer or captor? Nelson and Roxy continue to uncover secrets of the H-dial in Canada while evading the appendages of the Centipede. And introducing THE GLIMPSE, a fleeting yet deceptively powerful new hero. Earth 2 #9 (CBR 02/06/2013) As a new story arc begins, DR. FATE makes his Earth 2 debut! Supernatural powers are emerging on Earth 2, and that means new heroes on the scene-not to mention new villains! Plus: The debut of the new Wotan! Green Arrow #17 (CBR 02/06/2013) Welcome the new team of writer JEFF LEMIRE and artist ANDREA SORRENTINO! As Ollie struggles to come to terms with the loss of his fortune, his company and his heritage, he discovers a shocking truth about his father that ties to his time stranded on an island before he became Green Arrow. Plus: Green Arrow battles the deadly archer known as Komodo! Human Bomb #3 (of 4) (CBR 02/06/2013) The Human Bomb and Joan lead a military invasion into a hidden C.R.O.W.N. installation. They discover an alien invasion is in the works! Plus: The Human Bomb discovers his new abilities! Phantom Stranger #5 (CBR 02/06/2013) The Phantom Stranger's family has gone missing! He'll stop at nothing to find them, even if it means going up against Pandora and the vengeful wrath of The Spectre! Stormwatch #17 (CBR 02/06/2013) Don't miss this major turning point issue as everything changes! The death of a StormWatch member! The end of StormWatch headquarters! Swamp Thing #17 (CBR 02/06/2013) The epic finale of 'ROTWORLD' continues from this month's ANIMAL MAN #17! What will it cost our heroes to stop this apocalypse from happening? The answer will blow your freaking mind. Worlds Finest #9 (CBR 02/06/2013) Power Girl and a wounded Huntress are attacked on Power Girl's island headquarters by a mysterious and deadly new group of villains! What do the villains have to do with the missing Michael Holt and the radioactive monster known as Hakkou? Young Romance New 52 Valentines Day Special #1 (CBR 02/06/2013) •Wonder Woman consults Eros himself about her feelings for The Man of Steel. •Barbara Gordon has always been too busy for romance, but could her role as Batgirl bring her back to the first guy she ever kissed? •Following the events of 'Death in the Family,' how can Catwoman ease Batman's troubled soul? •Aquaman makes waves as he treats his wife like a queen for a day. •From the pages of STORMWATCH, Apollo and Midnighter celebrate Valentine's Day separately but with each other in mind. Who-or what-stands between them? •Dick Grayson and the daughter of Lucious Fox meet-cute! •Plus: Perforated Valentine's Day cards featuring the stars of these stories! ***WEEK of 2/13/2013*** Batgirl #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) Barbara Gordon must deal with the fallout from 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY' in this issue that will forever change her status quo in The New 52! What does James Gordon Jr. have planned for his sister, Batgirl? Batman #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) This is it: The stunning conclusion to 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY'! Who lives? Who dies? Who laughs last? Find out as Batman and The Joker face off one last time! Batman And Robin #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) Batman and Robin gear up to protect Gotham City in the week leading up to the 300th anniversary of the city's founding! It's a who's who of Gotham City's worst against The Dynamic Duo! Before Watchmen Comedian #5 (of 6) (CBR 2/13/2013) 'Well...things got out of hand.' And don't miss the latest chapter of the 'Crimson Corsair' backup feature from writer/artist JOHN HIGGINS! Deathstroke #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) A corporation hires Deathstroke to track down and neutralize who is responsible for attacks that seem to have little rhyme or reason to them. What the world's greatest mercenary finds may finally cause him to break a contract for the first time! Demon Knights #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) How can things get worse for Jason Blood, the man bonded for eternity to the Demon Etrigan? Let's start with decades of brutal torture... Vandal Savage is on the scene to rescue Blood, which may not be a good thing. And where is Madame Xanadu? Katana #1 (CBR 2/13/2013) From the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA and BIRDS OF PREY! KATANA is a former assassin on a noble quest to restore the OUTSIDERS to their former glory! Will she succeed, or will she be overcome by the power of her sword, the SoulTaker? Ravagers #9 (CBR 2/13/2013) As Thunder's condition worsens, the rest of the team begins to wonder if Caitlin is helping him--or killing him! Suicide Squad #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) A dangerous surprise from Yo-Yo's past awaits the Squad. And a familiar face returns, against all odds! Superboy #17 (CBR 2/13/2013) The startling conclusion of 'H'EL ON EARTH'! Superboy faces off against the Herald of the Oracle! Team 7 #5 (CBR 2/13/2013) The secret history of the DCU's original Cyborg Program! Who is Spartan? And what is the threat of the Majestic Program? Slade Wilson takes his first steps down the path that will lead to his becoming Deathstroke! Threshold #2 (CBR 2/13/2013) It's renegade Green Lantern JEDIAH CAUL against BLUE BEETLE! But what is poor Jaime doing stranded in the wildest corners of outer space, anyway? ï And in the Larfleeze backup story, the hunt is on for Larfleeze's stolen power battery - but the clock is ticking on his ring's charge! ***WEEK of 2/20/2013*** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Action Comics #17 (2/20/2013) You don't dare miss Grant Morrison's stunning, extra-sized final issue of ACTION COMICS! It's no small battle as Superman fights to save all of creation in this epic! This issue is destined to be a milestone in The New 52! Plus: In the backup story, TK TK! Batwoman #17 (2/20/2013) It's the massive conclusion to the current storyline as Batwoman and Wonder Woman struggle to defeat Medusa and a horde of villains! Don't miss the start of a surprising new status quo for Batwoman! Birds of Prey #17 (2/20/2013) The Birds are trapped fighting Basilisk--in total darkness! Something strange is happening to Black Canary...and only one man can be responsible. But Kurt Lance died years ago--right? Catwoman #17 (2/20/2013) After facing down The Joker and the power of Eclipso, Catwoman needs some downtime--which for her means a crime spree! Detective Alvarev is back on her tail--this kitty needs to watch her step! DC Universe Presents #17 (2/20/2013) RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS fans take note as ARSENAL takes the stage in this special issue! Roy Harper is all too familiar with the road to hell being paved with good intentions, so he's not totally surprised when an attempt to help Killer Croc leaves him running for his life on the streets of Japan. Guest-starring Red Hood and Starfire! Green Lantern #17 (2/20/2013) An epic, destiny-fueled adventure begins here with part one of 'WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN!' The threat that first led to the formation of the Guardians of the Universe returns-and he's set his sights on the biggest and brightest of the Corps!Simon Baz comes face-to-face with his first supervillain-BLACK HAND!-as the First Lantern targets them both with 'life decimation.' Plus: The ultimate fate of Hal Jordan and Sinestro is revealed! Green Lantern Corps #17 (2/20/2013) 'WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN' continues! It's the Green Lanterns vs. the Guardians of Oa and the Third Army-but which side will the First Lantern take? Green Lantern New Guardians #17 (2/20/2013) 'WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN' continues! Green Lantern Kyle Rayner has mastered the emotional spectrum. Will he manifest the powers of the White Lantern, or succumb to those awesome energies? JSA Liberty Files The Whistling Skull #3 (of 6) (2/20/2013) Young William Massey receives an intriguing offer from Teagle and Sons. Years later, they leave him to his own devices when dealing with Der Karneval. Can he and Knuckles survive their first adventure together by relying on the memories of the Whistling Skulls that came before? Justice League #17 (2/20/2013) The epic, full-length conclusion to 'THRONE OF ATLANTIS' hits as Aquaman and the League make a sinister discovery that changes both the outcome of the war and the future of the Justice League! What is THE GRID-and what does it mean to expanding the Justice League? Justice League Of America #1 (2/20/2013) The march toward TRINITY WAR begins with part one of 'WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS'! Green Lantern! Green Arrow! Catwoman! Katana! Vibe! Hawkman! Stargirl! They aren't the world's greatest super heroes-they're the most dangerous! But why does a team like the JLA need to exist? What is their ultimate mission? And who is pulling the strings? Plus: Find out why Martian Manhunter is the most dangerous of them all. Period. Justice League Of Americas Vibe #1 (2/20/2013) No, that's not a typo. Vibe stars in his own ongoing monthly title, starting with this debut issue cowritten by GEOFF JOHNS! One of the most unlikely members of the Justice League of America ever (okay, THE most unlikely) will soon discover he's one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. But how did Vibe get his abilities? What is the cost to them? And why does the JLA want him on the team so desperately? Plus: We've seen the Red Room and the Black Room, but what is...the Circus? Legion of Super Heroes #17 (2/20/2013) The Legion faces the FATAL FIVE for the first time! Is the team ready to go toe-to-toe with the most destructive force of the 31st century? Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen are reunited and ready to put The Legion through hell as the Fatal Five make their deadly intentions known! Nightwing #17 (2/20/2013) Dick Grayson's life lies in ruins in the wake of the events surrounding 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY'! Is his career as Nightwing over? Where will he go now? Will the voice of reason come from Damian Wayne? Red Hood and the Outlaws #17 (2/20/2013) In the wake of 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY,' Bruce Wayne confronts Jason Todd! You DO NOT want to miss this! Supergirl #17 (2/20/2013) The penutimate chaper of 'H'EL ON EARTH'! Earth is on the brink of destruction as H'El's machinations come to fruition! How far will Kara go to save Krypton? Sword of Sorcery #5 (2/20/2013) Amy learns how her father died and is forced to test her skills when she's attacked by assassins from House Onyx! Plus: In the backup story: STALKER, the immortal warrior without a soul, must beat Lucifer at his own game! Wonder Woman #17 (2/20/2013) Wonder Woman, War and Orion must join forces to save Zola's baby fro Related Torrents
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