Details for Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin Re

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I sinserely apologise for the last torrent I did of this book because and didn't realize untill now that I accidently put a password on it that i did not inted to do. this information is very important. i hope to use Text aloud and release this book in an audio format but this process is longer than i had hoped.

A Second Look at the
Federal Reserve
Third edition
by G. Edward Griffin

Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who
makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. Here is a
close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys,
cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money.
A boring subject? Just wait! You'll be hooked in five
minutes. Reads like a detective story - which it really is. But it's
all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of history. It's
all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression,
prosperity. Your world view will definitely change.
Putting it quite simply: this may be the most important
book on world affairs you will ever read.

II A superb analysis deserving serious attention by all
Americans. Be prepared for one heck of a journey through time
and mind."
Ron Paul, member of Congress
House Banking Committee

"What every American needs to know about central bank
power. A gripping adventure into the secret world of the
international banking cartel."
Mark Thornton, Asst. Professor of Economics,
Auburn University; Coordinator Academic Affairs,
Ludwig von Mises Institute

II A magnificent accomplishment - a train-load of heavy history,
organized so well and written in such a relaxed and easy style
that it captivated me. I hated to put it down."
Dan Smoot
Publisher/Editor, Dan Smoot Report

II As a career banker and president of a bank consulting firm, I
thought I had a good understanding of the Federal Reserve. But
this book changed the way I view our entire monetary system."
Marilyn MacGruder Barnwall
Grand Junction, Colorado

G. Edward Griffin is a writer and
documentary film producer with many
successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who's
Who in America, he is well known because of
his talent for researching difficult topics and
presenting them in clear terms that all can
understand. He has dealt with such diverse
subjects as archaeology and ancient earth
history, terrorism, international banking,
internal subversion, the history of taxation,
U.s. foreign policy, the science and politics
of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and
the United Nations. Some of his previous
works include World without Cancer, The
Discovery of Noah's Ark, Moles in High Places,
The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The
Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War,
The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and
The Fearful Master.
Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University
of Michigan where he majored in speech
and communications. In preparation for
writing this book, he enrolled in the College
of Financial Planning located in Denver. His
goal was not to become a professional financial
planner but to better understand the real
world of investments and money markets.
He obtained his CFP designation (Certified
Financial Planner) in 1989.
Mr. Griffin is a recipient of the coveted
Telly Award for excellence in television
production, a Contributing Editor for The
New American magazine, the creator of The
Reality Zone Audio Archives, and is President
of American Media, a publishing and videoproduction
company in Southern California.

Does the world really need another book on the Federal
Reserve System?
I have struggled with that question for several years. My
own library is mute testimony to the fact that there has been no
shortage of writers willing to set off into the dark forest to do
battle with the evil dragon. But, for the most part, their books
have been ignored by the mainstream, and the giant snorter
remains undaunted in his lair. There seemed to be little reason to
think that I could succeed where so many others have failed.
Yet, the idea was haunting. There was no doubt in my mind
that the Federal Reserve is one of the most dangerous creatures
ever to stalk our land. Furthermore, as my probing brought me
into contact with more and more hard data, I came to realize that
I was investigating one of the greatest "who-dunits" of history.
And, to make matters worse, I discovered who did it.
Someone has to get this story through to the public. The
problem, however, is that the public doesn't want to hear it. After
all, this is bad news, and we certainly get enough of that as it is.
Another obstacle to communication is that this tale truly is
incredible, which means unbelievable. The magnitude by which
reality deviates from the accepted myth is so great that, for most
people, it simply is beyond credibility. Anyone carrying this
message is immediately suspected of paranoia. Who will listen
to a madman?
And, finally, there is the subject matter itself. It can become
pretty complex. Well, at least that's hoVf it seems at first.
Treatises on this topic often read like curri~4ilum textbooks for
banking and finance. It is easy to become ensnared in a sticky
web of terminology and abstractions. Only monetary professionals
are motivated to master the new language, and even they
often find themselves in serious disagreement. For example, in a
recent letter circulated by a group of monetary experts who, for
years, have conducted an ongoing exchange of ideas regarding
monetary reform, the editor said: "It is frustrating that we
cannot find more agreement among ourselves on this vital issue.
We seem to differ so much on definitions and on, really, an
unbiased, frank, honest, correct understanding of just how our
current monetary system does function."
So why am I now making my own charge into the dragon's
teeth? It's because I believe there is a definite change in the wind
of public attitude. As the gathering economic storm draws
nearer, more and more people will tune into the weather
report--even if it is bad news. Furthermore, the evidence of the
tr'!th of this stor~ is now so overpowering that I trust my readers
will have no chOIce but to accept it, all questions of sanity aside.
If the village. idiot says the bell has fallen from the steeple and
comes draggmg the bell behind him, well, ...
Last1~, I.have discovered that this subject is not as complicated
as It first appeared to be, and I am resolved to avoid the
pitfall of tr<:>dding the usual convoluted path. What follows,
therefore, will be the story of a crime, not a course on criminology.
It was intended that this book would be half its present size
and be c<:>mpleted in .about one year. From the beginning,
however, It took on a life force of its own, and I became but a
servant to its will. It refused to stay within the confines
prescribed ~d, like the g~nie released from its bottle, grew to
enormous SIze. When the Job was done and it was possible to
assess the entire manuscript, I was surprised to realize that four
books had been written instead of one.
First, there is ~ crash cour~e on money, the basics of banking
and currency. WIthout that, It would be impossible to understand
the fraud that now passes for acceptable practice within
the banking system.
Second, there is a book on how the world's central banksthe
F~deral Reserve being one of them-are catalysts for war.
That IS what puts real fire into the subject, because it shows that
we ar~ dealing, not with mere money, but with blood, human
suffermg, and freedom itself.
. Third, there is a history of central banking in America. That
IS essential to a realization that the concept behind the Federal
Reserve was tried three times before in America. We need to
know that and especially need to know why those institutions
were eventually junked.
Finally, there is an analysis of the Federal Reserve itself and
its dismal record ~in.ce 1913. This is probably the least important
part of all, but It IS the reason we are here. It is the least
important, not because the subject lacks significance, but
because it has been written before by writers far more qualified
and more skilled than I. As mentioned previously, however,
those volumes generally have remained unread except by
techniCal historians, and the Creature has continued to dine
upon its hapless victims.
There are seven discernible threads that are woven throughout
the fabric of this study. They represent the reasons for
abolition of the Federal Reserve System. When stated in their
purest form, without embellishment or explanation, they sound
absurd to the casual observer. It is the purpose of this book,
however, to show that these statements are all-too-easy to
The Federal Reserve System should be abolished for the
following reasons:

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Great quality. Thanks