Developing Large Web Applications: Producing Code That Can Grow and Thrive by Kyle London

Product Details
* Pub. Date: March 2010
* Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
* Sales Rank: 309,718
* ISBN-13: 9780596803025
* ISBN: 0596803028
As web applications get more complex, so do the challenges. These applications need to meet demanding performance requirements, and be reliable 24/7, without exception. And they also need to withstand frequent modifications by many different programmers. If you're building a mission-critical site, this book will help you achieve the same rigor in web application development that has traditionally applied to other types of software.
Written by a manager at Yahoo! with substantial experience working with the techniques presented in this book, Developing Large Web Applications provides practical steps for building sites that remain effective as you add features, functions, and users.
* Avoid common coding and maintenance headaches when small websites evolve, adding more pages, more code, and more programmers
* Embrace the virtues of modularity, encapsulation, abstraction, and loosely coupled components
* Get comprehensive coverage of issues involving HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and Ajax, and database interaction
* Learn solid techniques in code management and software engineering that are often unknown or forgotten by web developers
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