DC LIVE/Forensics was released in 2000 and and filled an important gap that was missing from the Audio Forensics world at that time. Previously, all Forensics solutions were based on expensive hardware that was difficult to use, hard to repair and even harder to upgrade. For the first time, Forensics customers were able to analyze, enhance and improve difficult recordings using only a PC with a sound card. Today, though you can still purchase tres expensive solutions, there is little that cannot be matched by the power of DC LIVE/Forensics. There is also a very popular 3 day training class associated with this product that allows members of the law enforcement community, private citizens and other Forensics professionals access to thorough information on not only the product itself but full details relating to preserving, securing, and testifying to Audio Forensics methods.
We're now proud to announce DC LIVE/Forensics Audio Laboratory 7.5. This powerful Forensics software product has all of the power previous versions of DC LIVE/Forensics but with some major new features! You'll still have the best odds on the planet of pulling a voice out of the recording muck.

New Features:
* New EZ Forensics Filter-Not all users of our products are highly trained experts with years of high level experience. Now, an operator simply answers questions like, "are there single or multiple talkers?", "Is there background noise? Muffled speech?", etc. Next the program offers several solutions for the problem and the operator simply selects from the list of possibilities and starts to preview. Normally the program offers 4 "answers" to the forensic problem and the operator can preview the results with each of them in seconds.

New High Precision Spectrum Analyzer Zoomed To Show Only 300Hz To 3000Hz.
# Hi Def Wave Making Capability-If we can study signal to a fraction of a Hz, shouldn't we be able to create them? The new Make Waves function allows you to create fractional frequency waveforms. To create them, just type in the frequency you want, such as 60.01 Hz.
# High Definition Spectrogram Helps Find Edits- DC Live/Forensics now offers a High Definition Spectrogram that is not only capable of performing traditional voice print analysis work, but also can help find edits, dual power signatures and other spectral anomalies in an audio file.
:bounce:Installation Instructions:bounce:
Run DC7LiveSetup75EA.exe
To Install Diamond Cut DC Live Forensics Audio Laboratory v7.5
follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
When Finish Installing Click Close To Complete The Setup,
Now Start The Program, When The Program Starts Up You Will
Be Ask To Enter Your Name And Serial Use The One Provided Below
And Click [ Ok ]. When Ask To [ Upgrade Registration ] Select
[ Phone/Email ] And Copy And Paste The Registration Code And Click [ Ok ].
Done Enjoy !!! .
Registration Info
Name: Adrians Cool
Serial: 4C50-9CC6-DC7B-6CB5
Registration Code: 4a493fa5b9cb0241f1087faae4d48f63
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