Digimon Fusion - Season 2 - Episode 12 (WEBRip - 720p)------------------------------------------------------Digimon Fusion is an animated series that is the sixth installment of the Digimonfranchise, the longest-running Japanese anime property. Unleashing countless Digimoncombinations, the series takes today's tech-savvy kids inside an adventure-packeddigital world, where the heroes' courage is matched only by the fusion of theirteamwork, loyalty and humor. Featuring all-new Digimon action and excitement, theseries follows Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital realm andmust team up with his new "Digimon" or "Digital Monster" friends before their worldis deleted once and for all. New fusion powers allow Digimon to combine and fusetheir abilities to create endless battle possibilities.Produced by Toei Animation Company and Saban Brands.Christopher's competitive nature turns disastrous when he insistson defeating the Dark General of Canyon Land all by himself.Digimon.Fusion.S02E12.Deep.Trouble.in.Canyon.Land.720p.WEBRip.AAC2.0.H.264Format: Matroska Video File (MKV)Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1280x720 23.976fpsAudio: MPEG4 Audio (AAC) 48000Hz stereoSubs: English Closed Captions (SubRip Text)Duration: 00:22:04File size: 543 MB