LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench) is a graphical programming environment, developed by National Instruments (NI), which allows a user-friendly graphical approach to system level design. This will be a LabVIEW-based book providing the teaching materials for DSP (Digital Signal Processing) lab or project courses, industry short-courses, and self-study for practitioners interested in using LabVIEW for system-level design with DSPs such as the TMS320C6000. Such lab or project courses are currently being offered at many universities, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, as a follow-up to DSP theory courses.The programming used in DSP lab courses is either Matlab, C or assembly language. Currently, there is not a DSP laboratory book using system-level graphical programming. Such a programming approach allows students/engineers easily to design DSP systems without the need to become involved or get bogged down in low-level programming issues. Growing numbers of users of LabVIEW in both academia and industry will benefit by having in one place the information they need to perform high-level design of DSP systems.* A graphical programming approach (LabVIEW) to DSP system-level design* DSP implementation of appropriate components of a LabVIEW designed system* Providing system-level, hands-on experiments for DSP lab or project courses
Title: Digital Signal Processing System-level Design Using LabVIEW
Authors: Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Namjin Kim
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Newnes, 2005
ISBN: 075067914X, 9780750679145
Length: 290 pages
Subjects: Technology & Engineering › Electronics › General
Technology & Engineering / Electrical
Technology & Engineering / Electronics / General
Technology & Engineering / Electronics / Microelectronics
About the author (2005)
Kehtarnavaz is Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Texas at Dallas.