Discovery.Channel.Deranged.Killers.Hillside.Stranglerseeders: 0
leechers: 0
Discovery.Channel.Deranged.Killers.Hillside.Strangler (Size: 359.9 MB)
!2o07 ???? ???? ?
SunZero ??????? ?? ????????? ? ???? ???? ????? ?????????? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?? ?? ?? ?????????? ? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???????? ???? ????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ????????? ???? ? ???? ????????? ?? ???? ????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??? ????????? ? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ??? ????? ? ??? ??????????? ???? ?????? ? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????????? ????????? ????????? ???? ????? ???? ? ? ?????????????????? ?? ????? ???????? ?????????? ??? ?????????????? ????? ?? ? ??? ?? ???? ??? ? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ? ????? ???????? ?? ?? ??? ???????? ??????????? ????? ?? ???????? 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SomeTV present: ????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????? Discovery.Channel.Deranged.Killers.Hillside.Strangler.PDTV.XviD-SomeTV ????????? ???????? ???????? ??? ??? Title:..........:Hillside Strangler ??? ??? ?????? Air Date:.......:29/08/2008 ?????? ?????? Release date:...:30/08/2008 ?????? ?????? Genre:..........:Documentary ?????? ?????? Format:.........:XViD ?????? ?????? Source:.........:DvB-STREAM ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Video Codec:....:XViD ?????? ? ???? Video Bitrate:..:1011 kbps ???? ? ?????? Video Resoul:...:512x384 ?????? ?????? Audio Bitrate:..:131 kbps VBR MP3 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Runtime:........:00:42:42 ?????? ?????? Rars:...........:47x15MB ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ? ??? ???????????? ?????? ??????? ? ??? ? ????? ?? ??????? ? ???????????????????????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????????????????????????? ? ????????????????????? ??? ??? ? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ? ??????? ???? ???? ??????????????????????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Between 1977 and 1978 ten women were found dead ?????? ?????? in LA. Dubbed the Hillside Strangler, investigators relive ?????? ?????? the case, from the discovery of the first victim on. ?????? ???? ? ? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ????????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ???????????????????????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ??? ? ????????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ? ?? ? ?? ??????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ? ? ???? ?????? Enjoy! ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Please respect us, and dont add our nfo's ?????? ?????? to public www-dupechecks or spread our releases on P2P ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Thanks! ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ????????? ???? ? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ??????? ???????????????????????? ????? ?? ????????? ? ???? ????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ?? ??????????? ???? ???? ????????????????????????? ??????? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ? ? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? 10Mbit+ Ripboxes ??????? ??????? 200Mbit+ .eu sites to affil ??????? ??????? PDTV/HDTV-Cappers ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? Contact Us: ??????? ??????? ??????? ? ????? ????? ? ??????? ???????????????? ??????? ??????? ???????????????????????? ??????? ??????? sometv ?????? ????????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ??????????????????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??????????????????????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????????????????????? ????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ????????????????? ??????????????? ????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???????????? ???? ????? ??? ???????????????? ???? ??????? ????????????????? ???? ????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ????????????? ?????????? ?????? ????????? ??????????? ???????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????????? Related Torrents
Sharing Widget |