DiskAnalyzer Pro 3.4
DiskAnalyzer Pro helps you to locate and remove space wasting files on your hard disk drive. You can see exact disk space utilization with detailed disk space reports. You can see reports grouped by file types, attributes, file size, ownership, date and time.You can search and filter for all types of files, move or delete unwanted files, copy files to another path, compress files and create a single ZIP file. All disk space reports can be saved to external files such as HTML, CSV and XML. DiskAnalyzer Pro will help you keep disk space reports history or import data into any other program. You can find out duplicate files, junk files, temporary and internet files, images, videos, audio files, zip files using DiskAnalyzer Pro.
Key Features:
Detailed disk space reports:
· You will be able to manage and view disk space consumption with the help of disk space usage reports grouped by file types, file size, attributes, file date and file ownership. You can drill-down and see exactly how files are consuming disk space on your computer.
Search for files with your own search criteria:
· DiskAnalyzer Pro allows you to specify your own search terms while looking for unwanted files and folders consuming your disk space.
Find and delete junk files:
· Over a period of time, hard disk space becomes cluttered with useless files (junk, temporary, internet files, zero size files etc.). DiskAnalyzer Pro can find and delete such files and regain gigabytes of hard disk space.
· Locate biggest and oldest files
· You will be able to see a list of biggest space hogging files as well as old unused files from your hard disk drives. You can delete these files and regain big chunk of disk space.
Find out pictures, compressed files, videos and audio files:
· Network computers are generally filled up with files such as videos, images, audio files, compressed files duplicated all over hard disk. DiskAnalyzer pro can locate these files and help you to remove not required files.
Scheduling and Command-line scanner:
· The new command-line scanner can be used to perform a disk search from the command-prompt and create a saved disk report archive. This can be later opened with DiskAnalyzer Pro for detailed disk space analysis. You can use any scheduling program to schedule the disk search using command-line scanner.
All folders and subfolders report:
· This is one of the essential reports in disk space management. This report consists of a single list of all folders and respective subfolders sorted by file size. So now you can quickly find out how many folders consume most of the disk space.
Integrated File Explorer and Viewer:
· Whenever you need to drill-down to file level from any disk space report, you can use File Explorer (Viewer). This tool lists all the files for a particular disk space report and allows you to further filter the list using multiple criterias such as file name (with wild cards), file size, date, file type, file path etc.
Export disk space reports to external file formats:
· You might need to export any or all of the disk space reports to external file and you can do it here. You can save reports as HTML, CSV and XML files. This is useful for comparison of disk space reports over a period of time or to maintain disk space usage history.
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Crave Worldwide Software DiskAnalyzer Pro v3.4
▄ ▀▄ ▄▀ ▄
▀▓▀ ▓▌ PROTECTION...: Serial ▐▓ ▀▓▀
▄█▀ RELEASE TYPE.: Serial ▀█▄
▄▄▀▀▀ RELEASE DATE.: 06/03/2010 ▀▀▀▄▄
▄█▀ ▄ RELEASE SIZE.: 01x5.00MB ▄ ▀█
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▓█▐ * RELEASE NOTES * ▌█▓
▓█▐ ▌█▓
▌██▐ DiskAnalyzer Pro helps you to locate ▌██▐
▌██▐ and remove space wasting files on ▌██▐
▌██▐ your hard disk drive. You can see ▌██▐
▌██▐ exact disk space utilization with ▌██▐
▌██▐ detailed disk space reports. You can ▌██▐
▌██▐ see reports grouped by file types, ▌██▐
▌██▐ attributes, file size, ownership, ▌██▐
▌██▐ date and time. ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ You can search and filter for all ▌██▐
▌██▐ types of files, move or delete ▌██▐
▌██▐ unwanted files, copy files to another ▌██▐
▌██▐ path, compress files and create a ▌██▐
▌██▐ single ZIP file. All disk space ▌██▐
▌██▐ reports can be saved to external ▌██▐
▌██▐ files such as HTML, CSV and XML. ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ DiskAnalyzer Pro will help you keep ▌██▐
▌██▐ disk space reports history or import ▌██▐
▌██▐ data into any other program. You can ▌██▐
▌██▐ find out duplicate files, junk files, ▌██▐
▌██▐ temporary and internet files, images, ▌██▐
▌██▐ videos, audio files, zip files using ▌██▐
▌██▐ DiskAnalyzer Pro. ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ URL: http://www.craveworldwide.com ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ * iNSTALL NOTES * ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ 1.) Unpack and install ▌██▐
▌██▐ 2.) Copy included .bat file to dir ▌██▐
▌██▐ where you installed the program ▌██▐
▌██▐ and use it ▌██▐
▌██▐ 3.) Check serial.txt ▌██▐
▌██▐ 4.) Enjoy! ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ If you can't understand how to install ▌██▐
▌██▐ or use this then please don't waste our ▌██▐
▌██▐ or anyone else time whining about bad ▌██▐
▌██▐ installation instructions. ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐
▌██▐ Instead of blaming us for delivering ▌██▐
▌██▐ poor package try to read developer's ▌██▐
▌██▐ FAQ or program's manual. ▌██▐
▌██▐ ▌██▐