Divi - v2.3.1 - Theme and PSD (Updated 04-21-2015) -LoKseeders: 1
leechers: 0
Divi - v2.3.1 - Theme and PSD (Updated 04-21-2015) -LoK (Size: 116.54 MB)
Description![]() CHANGELOG: version 2.3.1 ( updated 02-19-2015 ) - Fixed some issues with Aweber functionality * functions.php - Fixed the issue with "Search" text, not recognized in localization files * header.php - Fixed the issue with secondary navigation items, not visible on mobile devices * js/custom.js - Fullwidth Module: Fixed the issue with mobile menu background color * js/custom.js * style.css - Updated localization files * lang/da_DK.mo * lang/da_DK.po * lang/fr_FR.mo * lang/fr_FR.po * lang/it_IT.mo * lang/it_IT.po * lang/nl_NL.mo * lang/nl_NL.po - Improved compatibility with child themes, created before the previous version of the theme ( 2.3 ) * epanel/custom_functions.php - Renamed Portuguese localizaton files * lang/pt_BR.mo * lang/pt_BR.po - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.3 ( updated 02-12-2015 ) - The theme has been translated into the following languages: * Arabic * Bulgarian * Chinese * Czech * Danish * Dutch * Finnish * French * German * Greek * Hebrew * Hungarian * Indonesian * Italian * Japanese * Korean * Malay * Norwegian * Polish * Portuguese * Romanian * Russian * Serbian * Slovak * Spanish * Swedish * Tagalog * Thai * Turkish * Ukranian * Vietnamese - Fixed character encoding in layouts code * et-pagebuilder/layouts/layouts.php - Added missing text domains for translations - Added Offset Number option to the Blog Module - Removed text color option from Blog Module grid view and set dark text color as default * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php * functions.php - Fixed the issue with video slides in fullscreen mode - Adjusted styling of mobile menu and search icon on mobile devices - Fixed the issue with parallax effect, when CSS and True Parallax sliders were used on the same page - Fixed Audio module Volume Bar Height * style.css - Fixed the issue with "NaN" value in the counter module - Fixed the issue with videos, breaking counters on a page - Clicking the logo always refresh a page properly now - Fixed the issue with parallax, not resizing with learn more content and toggle modules - Fixed the issue with multiple fullwidth mobile menus, not working properly on a page - Fixed the issue where mobile menu does not close after an anchor link is clicked * js/custom.js - Fixed the issue with date, saved with double slashes * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/options_divi.php * functions.php - Fixed non-English slugs, breaking the filterable portfolio * functions.php - Added sub-menu direction option and styling to Fullwidth Menu module - Added an option to allow background videos to not pause when audio is played * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php * functions.php * js/custom.js - Improved video background functionality * js/custom.js * style.css - Added support for webm format in video module * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php * functions.php - Updated image uploader in ePanel * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/js/custom_uploader.js * epanel/options_divi.php - Fullwidth menus now use classes in place of ids to pass HTML validation * functions.php * style.css - Fixed styling for password protected posts, pages and projects * functions.php * js/theme-customizer.js * style.css - Removed focus styling in ePanel * epanel/css/panel.css - Fixed the issue with responsive shortcodes, not working correctly * epanel/shortcodes/css/shortcodes_responsive.css - Fixed fonts preview in Customizer * epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js - Fixed the issue with Video player, not shown for video posts using self hosted videos * functions.php * style.css - Fixed the issue with Aweber, breaking the page builder if no API options are set in ePanel - Fixed FeedBurner form html code in the Subscribe Module * functions.php - Fixed the issue with Media Library images Grayed Out in "Upload image" modal window * et-pagebuilder/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.css - Inner Shadow option works in sections with CSS parallax now * functions.php - Switched the footer RSS link from the comments feed to the main feed * includes/social_icons.php - Fixed fullwidth modules styling issues in the "Insert Module" modal box * et-pagebuilder/css/style.css - Added localization to all strings in the theme - The theme is now compatible with Right-to-Left Languages - Code improvements version 2.2 ( updated 11-06-2014 ) - 2 New Modules: Video and Video Slider * et-pagebuilder/css/style.css * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php * et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js * functions.php * js/custom.js * style.css * Renamed fonts: * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.eot * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.svg * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.ttf * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.woff - Renamed Team Member module to Person Module * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php * et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js - Added login_post scheme variable to login form module ( Fixes issues with Login module on WP Engine ) * functions.php - Removed all "fuzzy" translations from localization files * lang/de_DE.mo * lang/de_DE.po * lang/en_US.mo * lang/en_US.po * lang/ru_RU.mo * lang/ru_RU.po - Fixed bug that would make countdown timer days negative when event has passed - Fixed the issue with Number Counter decimal values, rounded on scroll event * js/custom.js - Increased z-index on Scroll To Top button to display it to ensure it's always displayed on top of all elements - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.1.4 ( updated 09-02-2014 ) - Fixed MailChimp API file name * includes/subscription/mailchimp/mailchimp.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.1.3 ( updated 09-01-2014 ) - Date Option: Fixed the issue with slashes not being saved properly in ePanel * epanel/core_functions.php - Subscribe Module: Fixed the issues with Aweber and MailChimp. Added ajax loader icon. * functions.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp * js/custom.js * style.css - Fixed the issue with WYSIWIG editor visibility, when default editor gets activated * et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js - Fixed some issues with contact form, placed below the portfolio module - Fixed the issue with warning message, appearing when the account wasn't configured in ePanel * functions.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.1.2 ( updated 07-24-2014 ) - Fixed the issue with wrong theme number value detected, if a child theme is being used * functions.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.1.1 ( updated 07-23-2014 ) - Fixed the issue with ul and ol elements styling in Page Builder layouts - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.1 ( updated 07-22-2014 ) - Added "Back to top" button - Added Side Navigation on single pages - Fixed the issue with button arrow position in Chrome - Don't show page builder code on search results page - WYSIWIG mode in Page Builder is now saved, it defaulted to Visual before - Gallery module: Fixed the issue with "Random Order" option - Fixed 1/4 column slider appearance - Fixed html list appearance on index page - Fixed the issue with Firefox not saving the layout if modules were moved - Fixed the issue with double quotes, used in Page Builder settings - Modified Page Builder elements to be responsive - Added transparent background option to Sections - Added Close button to the Specialty Section Modal window - Image Module: Added Title Text option - Added smooth scrolling for internal links - Subscribe Module: Integrated Mailchimp 2.0 API - Added the option to enable smooth scrolling - Image module: Added "Remove space below the image" option - Filterable Portfolio: Fixed animation issues in Firefox - Fixed Widget Area Select ( dropdown ) styling issues - Added the option to enable/disable background-size: cover for "body" - Circle Counter: Added limit to the number field - Circle Counter: Fixed the issue with lazy loading animation - Disabled the Lazy Loading effect on mobile devices to improve usability - Filterable Portfolio: Fixed the animation in FF browser - Pagination: Added localization for Previous and Next links - Fixed the issue with scrolling to the top of window, when the user clones a section or a row - Fixed "Menu displayed behind the embedded videos in IE" issue - Users shouldn't create sidebars with certain names. Added a note to the Widgets page. - Fixed Woocommerce notification bar appearance - Fixed the issue with separator in postmeta - Fixed "Link color" option in the Customizer - Added sidebar on WooCommerce category pages - Fixed some styling issues on the category page - Section Module: Fixed Background Color option description - Blog Module: Fixed the width of posts in 4/4 column - Comments are now visible on pages, where they have been disabled, if there is at least 1 comment on the page - Map Module: Fixed the issue with custom ID/Class settings - Blurbs Module: Fixed settings description - Fixed the issue with inactive secondary menu items on mobile devices - Fixed the issue with lightbox on pages with several gallery modules. Lightbox scrolls through the images from a single gallery now. - Slider Module: Added parallax option - Fixed the issue with jumping image in the slider module - Pricing Table Module: Fixed layout issues - Fixed the issue with jumping slides during transitions - Secondary navigation: Added email link - Map Module: Added mouse zoom option - Fixed mega menu width on iPad - Filterable Portfolio Module: Now it displays only selected categories, not all the categories selected projects assigned to. - Blog Module: Added option to display the read more button if "Show Excerpts" option is selected - Login Module: Fixed the module appearance for logged in users - Map Module: Centered infowindow above the pin - Fixed the issue with module settings window visibility. It's not hidden below the Wordpress menu anymore. - Project Page: Fixed the issue with the space on top of the page - Fixed the issue with the search field display - Fixed the fullscreen editor visibility issues - Portfolio Module: Fixed portfolio layout issues - Renamed icon font files to fix the issue with cache - Accordion module: Fixed some animation glitches - Countdown Module: Fixed issues in Safari and IE - Fixed fonts options in the Customizer - Fixed the issue with content visible on some password protected posts pages List of modified files: * epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js * epanel/options_divi.php * et-pagebuilder/css/style.css * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.eot * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.svg * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.ttf * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.woff * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.eot * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.svg * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.ttf * et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.woff * et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js * et-pagebuilder/js/widgets.js * fonts/ETmodules.eot * fonts/ETmodules.svg * fonts/ETmodules.ttf * fonts/ETmodules.woff * fonts/ETmodules_v2.eot * fonts/ETmodules_v2.svg * fonts/ETmodules_v2.ttf * fonts/ETmodules_v2.woff * footer.php * functions.php * header.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/MCAPI.class.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Campaigns.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Conversations.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Ecomm.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Exceptions.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Folders.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Gallery.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Goal.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Helper.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Lists.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Mobile.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Neapolitan.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Reports.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Templates.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Users.php * includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Vip.php * index.php * js/custom.js * js/smoothscroll.js * js/theme-customizer.js * lang/de_DE.mo * lang/de_DE.po * lang/en_US.mo * lang/en_US.po * lang/ru_RU.mo * lang/ru_RU.po * page.php * single-project.php * single.php * style.css version 2.0 ( updated 05-21-2014 ) * All files changed/updated - Added many options to WordPress Customizer - Added lightbox to images - Added real parallax effect - More elements utilize accent color setting - Added Aweber and Feedburner integrations for Subscribe module - Added post formats support - Video - Audio - Quote - Gallery - Link - New Header Options - Added vertical navigation option - Added optional secondary header menu - Added boxed layout option - Added centered main menu option - Pagebuilder Updates - New specialty sections - Added many new pre-made layouts - Added clone module functionality - Updated Modules - Blurb - Testimonials - Added New Modules - Gallery - Audio - Login - Filterable Portfolio - Circle Counter - Number Counter - Accordion - Team Member - Countdown Timer - Social Media Follow - Map - Fullwidth Map - Fullwidth Menu - Fullwidth Portfolio - Fixed the issue with jumping backround image in sliders - Many bug fixes and CSS improvements - Bumped version number version 1.9.1 ( updated 04-21-2014 ) - Fixed Page Builder issues in IE9 and IE10 * et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.9 ( updated 04-17-2014 ) - Corrected js files version number * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.8 ( updated 04-15-2014 ) - The theme is compatible with WordPress 3.9 now * et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js * et-pagebuilder/css/style.css version 1.7 ( updated 03-06-2014 ) - Fixed the issue with Blog and Portfolio modules pagination on static frontpage - Fixed the issue with video background in a section, overlaying any content within the section * functions.php - Fixed mega menu styling at 960 breakpoint - Adjusted slider arrow positioning at small sizes - Improved readability of slider text - Fixed slider padding issue at mobile breakpoint - Consolidated header styles - Adjusted newsletter styling for added consistency - Changed Blurb & Toggle headings for improved hierarchy - Adjusted WooCommerce headings for added consistency - Adjusted portfolio headings for added consistency - Styled the search widget - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.6 ( updated 02-26-2014 ) - Added the slide link to heading in the Slider module - Fixed the issue with the separator symbol, appearing in the wrong place, when some items are disabled in the post info section. - Fixed validation errors in slider and section modules - Added "New Message From 'Site Name' - 'Contact Form Title'" to the email title field * functions.php - Fixed the issue with resizing of images that have the x symbol between width and height values in the filename - Fixed the issue with .jpeg images and uppercase extensions in cached files - The theme doesn't strip slashes from custom css now, when saving the option to the database - Removed buzz shortcode ( Google retired Buzz ) - Fixed ePanel SEO home options not appearing on static front page - Better compatibility with WordPress SEO and All In One SEO Pack plugins. ePanel SEO is disabled if these plugins are active now. * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/custom_functions.php * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php - Disabled lazy loading animations on mobile devices - 'Slide Text Color' option affects navigation arrows and controls color now in the Slider Module * js/custom.js * style.css - Fixed the issue with "Disable Top Menu Links" option in ePanel * js/custom.js - Fixed WooCommerce styling issues - Fixed the issue with post content, visible in tiled blog posts at 320 breakpoint - Fixed the issue with Portfolio module images not visible in IE8 - Fixed the issue with mediaelementjs videos not Related Torrents
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