Don't Starve Together v121979 - FunnyGames (Size: 399.36 MB)
| | installscript_new.vdf | 731 bytes |
| | Name Changer.reg | 232 bytes |
| | version.txt | 6 bytes |
| | dontstarve_steam.pdb | 29.3 MB |
| | libmfxsw32.dll | 15.45 MB |
| | steamclient.dll | 6.88 MB |
| | dontstarve_steam.exe | 3.41 MB |
| | Steam.dll | 2.76 MB |
| | fmodex.dll | 1.19 MB |
| | twitchsdk_32_release.dll | 1.01 MB |
| | libGLESv2.dll | 835 KB |
| | SDL2.dll | 660.5 KB |
| | fmod_event.dll | 407.5 KB |
| | cave_AMB.fsb | 15.5 MB |
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| | amb_stream.fsb | 12.79 MB |
| | music.fsb | 3.56 MB |
| | DLC_Music.fsb | 3.32 MB |
| | Common.fsb | 2.92 MB |
| | sanity.fsb | 2.34 MB |
| | stuff.fsb | 1.81 MB |
| | gramaphone.fsb | 1.42 MB |
| | sfx.fsb | 1.39 MB |
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| | dusk03_cc.tex | 96.02 KB |
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| | ghost_cc.tex | 96.02 KB |
| | ps4_controllers.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | hud.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | bg_logo.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | LobbyScreen.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | fg_trees.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | globalpanels.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | fepanels.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | ui.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | ServerBrowser.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | ps4_dlc0001.tex | 5.33 MB |
| | | 3.29 MB |
| | | 1.99 MB |
| | | 1.26 MB |
| | | 948.55 KB |
| | | 797.21 KB |
| | | 778.57 KB |
| | | 751.46 KB |
| | | 746.25 KB |
| | | 580.78 KB |
| | | 538.17 KB |
| | Walls.tex | 2.67 MB |
| | Forest.tex | 2.67 MB |
| | Grass.tex | 2.67 MB |
| | GRASS2.tex | 2.67 MB |
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| | blocky.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | yellowgrass.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | map.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | map_edge.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | WEB.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | noise_ruinsbrickglow.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | noise_ruinstileglow.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | noise_ruinstrimglow.tex | 1.33 MB |
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| | wall_rock_01.tex | 170.79 KB |
| | noise_mud.tex | 170.79 KB |
| | noise_sinkhole.tex | 170.79 KB |
| | Ground_noise.tex | 170.79 KB |
| | wall_sinkhole_01.tex | 170.79 KB |
| | wx78.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | wilson.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | wes.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | Wendy.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | webber.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | waxwell.tex | 1.33 MB |
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| | wathgrithr.tex | 1.33 MB |
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| | Willow.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | minimap_atlas.tex | 1.33 MB |
| | minimap_data.xml | 14.18 KB |
| | Japanese.po | 1.22 MB |
| | strings.pot | 1.05 MB |
| | French.po | 253.59 KB |
| | language.lua | 321 bytes |
| | THREE.lua | 6.74 KB |
| | long.lua | 6.71 KB |
| | One.lua | 6.47 KB |
| | four.lua | 6.22 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 5.97 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 5.75 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.76 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | One.lua | 5.5 KB |
| | long.lua | 5.49 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 5.26 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 5.24 KB |
| | four.lua | 5 KB |
| | One.lua | 5.24 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 5.24 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 5 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.75 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.51 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.47 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.46 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.46 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.45 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 4.44 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.44 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.44 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.44 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 4.44 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.44 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.26 KB |
| | long.lua | 4.25 KB |
| | THREE.lua | 4.24 KB |
| | TWO.lua | 4.24 KB |
| | four.lua | 4.24 KB |
| | One.lua | 4.24 KB |
| | maxwellhome.lua | 1.12 MB |
| | tenticle_reeds.lua | 35.46 KB |
| | beefalo_farm.lua | 34.32 KB |
| | pigguards.lua | 31.17 KB |
| | maxwell_pig_shrine.lua | 27.44 KB |
| | maxwell_merm_shrine.lua | 27.32 KB |
| | MAX_puzzle1.lua | 26.58 KB |
| | MAX_puzzle3.lua | 26.58 KB |
| | MAX_puzzle2.lua | 26.58 KB |
| | simple_base.lua | 22.46 KB |
| | caves.lua | 19.08 KB |
| | Ruins.lua | 14.31 KB |
| | blockers.lua | 9.59 KB |
| | terrain_forest.lua | 8.22 KB |
| | Chess.lua | 5.37 KB |
| | pigs.lua | 4.07 KB |
| | test.lua | 3.52 KB |
| | terrain_marsh.lua | 3.26 KB |
| | WORMHOLE.lua | 2.53 KB |
| | Spider.lua | 2.52 KB |
| | adventure.lua | 13.96 KB |
| | Survival.lua | 10.9 KB |
| | caves.lua | 1.58 KB |
| | caves.lua | 5.93 KB |
| | Ruins.lua | 5.5 KB |
| | island_hopping.lua | 2.21 KB |
| | Maxwell.lua | 1.01 KB |
| | tasks.lua | 29.64 KB |
| | network.lua | 26.81 KB |
| | storygen.lua | 25.9 KB |
| | Layouts.lua | 23.67 KB |
| | forest_map.lua | 19.25 KB |
| | customise.lua | 15.35 KB |
| | graphnode.lua | 12.91 KB |
| | object_layout.lua | 12.33 KB |
| | Terrain.lua | 6.59 KB |
| | layout.lua | 5.73 KB |
| | SGwilson.lua | 120.8 KB |
| | SGwilson_client.lua | 41.5 KB |
| | SGpenguin.lua | 20.54 KB |
| | commonstates.lua | 18.15 KB |
| | SGspider.lua | 13.87 KB |
| | SGworm.lua | 12.59 KB |
| | SGtentacle_arm.lua | 11.69 KB |
| | SGbird.lua | 11.07 KB |
| | SGtallbird.lua | 10.87 KB |
| | SGrocky.lua | 10.73 KB |
| | PlayerController.lua | 79.32 KB |
| | inventory.lua | 41.57 KB |
| | weather.lua | 28.24 KB |
| | Combat.lua | 25.24 KB |
| | Locomotor.lua | 24.78 KB |
| | container.lua | 21.83 KB |
| | overseer.lua | 20.21 KB |
| | penguinspawner.lua | 16.23 KB |
| | childspawner.lua | 16.09 KB |
| | hounded.lua | 15.7 KB |
| | serverlistingscreen.lua | 69.8 KB |
| | servercreationscreen.lua | 41.46 KB |
| | modsscreen.lua | 35.82 KB |
| | serveradminscreen.lua | 32.46 KB |
| | mainscreen.lua | 32.06 KB |
| | customizationscreen.lua | 29.21 KB |
| | optionsscreen.lua | 25.18 KB |
| | PlayerStatusScreen.lua | 21.71 KB |
| | controlsscreen.lua | 21.42 KB |
| | accountscreen.lua | 19.44 KB |
| | player_common.lua | 42.07 KB |
| | inventory_classified.lua | 34.77 KB |
| | player_classified.lua | 25.79 KB |
| | container_classified.lua | 24.3 KB |
| | staff.lua | 22.68 KB |
| | HATS.lua | 22.38 KB |
| | evergreens.lua | 20.45 KB |
| | tentacle_pillar.lua | 19.7 KB |
| | Pigman.lua | 19.43 KB |
| | mushrooms.lua | 15.69 KB |
| | inventoryBar.lua | 32.51 KB |
| | scrollablelist.lua | 16.72 KB |
| | controls.lua | 15.41 KB |
| | spinner.lua | 12.04 KB |
| | Widget.lua | 11.14 KB |
| | crafttabs.lua | 10.47 KB |
| | itemtile.lua | 10.43 KB |
| | invslot.lua | 10.25 KB |
| | recipepopup.lua | 10.16 KB |
| | TargetIndicator.lua | 9.34 KB |
| | xbnyn.lua | 18.46 KB |
| | maxwellintro.lua | 3.25 KB |
| | penguinbrain.lua | 17.25 KB |
| | monkeybrain.lua | 11.38 KB |
| | pigbrain.lua | 9.6 KB |
| | slurtlebrain.lua | 5.35 KB |
| | slurtlesnailbrain.lua | 5.3 KB |
| | walrusbrain.lua | 5.05 KB |
| | bunnymanbrain.lua | 4.52 KB |
| | smallbirdbrain.lua | 4.34 KB |
| | wormbrain.lua | 4.31 KB |
| | pigguardbrain.lua | 4.02 KB |
| | followcamera.lua | 9.77 KB |
| | chaseandram.lua | 5.99 KB |
| | chaseandattack.lua | 4.83 KB |
| | Wander.lua | 4.35 KB |
| | controlminions.lua | 3.53 KB |
| | Follow.lua | 3.47 KB |
| | RUNAWAY.lua | 3.33 KB |
| | standandattack.lua | 2.58 KB |
| | useshield.lua | 2.28 KB |
| | avoidlight.lua | 2.23 KB |
| | faceentity.lua | 2.08 KB |
| | chest_openfunctions.lua | 3.44 KB |
| | wes_enemywave.lua | 3.27 KB |
| | chest_random_good.lua | 2.74 KB |
| | chestfunctions.lua | 2.7 KB |
| | statue_enemywave.lua | 2.33 KB |
| | chest_insanity.lua | 2.13 KB |
| | chest_foodspoil.lua | 2.12 KB |
| | sleepingspider_spiderambush.lua | 2.09 KB |
| | camera_maxwellthrone.lua | 2.03 KB |
| | chest_labyrinth.lua | 1.97 KB |
| | strings.lua | 119.92 KB |
| | speech_wickerbottom.lua | 39.96 KB |
| | entityscript.lua | 39.92 KB |
| | GameLogic.lua | 37.75 KB |
| | TUNING.lua | 37.17 KB |
| | speech_wilson.lua | 36.32 KB |
| | saveindex.lua | 34.31 KB |
| | MainFunctions.lua | 33.41 KB |
| | speech_maxwell.lua | 32.81 KB |
| | speech_wendy.lua | 32.65 KB |
| | | 250.54 KB |
| | | 172.63 KB |
| | | 171.91 KB |
| | | 162.22 KB |
| | | 145.67 KB |
| | | 110.12 KB |
| | | 106.14 KB |
| | | 41.33 KB |
| | | 109.16 KB |
| | | 15.42 KB |
| | frostbreath.tex | 21.45 KB |
| | Torchfire.tex | 5.48 KB |
| | rain.tex | 1.43 KB |
| | SNOW.tex | 426 bytes |
| | Torchfire.xml | 344 bytes |
| | frostbreath.xml | 152 bytes |
| | rain.xml | 138 bytes |
| | SNOW.xml | 138 bytes |
| | triplanar_alpha_ceiling.ksh | 10.86 KB |
| | triplanar_alpha_wall.ksh | 10.85 KB |
| | triplanar_bg.ksh | 10.83 KB |
| | anim_fade_haunted.ksh | 6.77 KB |
| | anim_fade.ksh | 6.64 KB |
| | anim_bloom_haunted.ksh | 6.62 KB |
| | anim_haunted.ksh | 6.58 KB |
| | anim.ksh | 6.44 KB |
| | postprocessbloomdistort.ksh | 4.5 KB |
| | postprocessdistort.ksh | 4.45 KB |
| | ServerBrowser.vdf | 35 bytes |
| | prefabs.xml | 350.38 KB |
| | LumaEmu_Steamclient.log | 2.51 KB |
| | LumaEmu.log | 85 bytes |
| | ModMain.lua | 7.62 KB |
| | modinfo.lua | 236 bytes |
| | ModSettings.lua | 459 bytes |
| | MAKING_MODS.txt | 455 bytes |
| | INSTALLING_MODS.txt | 278 bytes |
Don't Starve Together is a standalone multiplayer expansion of the uncompromising wilderness survival game, Don't Starve.
Enter a strange and unexplored world full of strange creatures, dangers, and surprises. Gather resources to craft items and structures that match your survival style. Play your way as you unravel the mysteries of this strange land.
Do whatever it takes, but most importantly, Don't Starve.
SaveFix mod included.
Version 121979.
If you want to play online use Tunngle.
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And with the locked characters , i'm working on it.
1) Download THE (Torrent)
2) Download Tunngle if you already don’t have it.
3) Install the game.
4) Launch Tunngle and enter “Don’t Starve Together” Room.
5) Launch the game from “C:/Games/Don’t Starve../bin/dontstarve_steam.exe”.
5.1) Start the game as administrator if you have problems.
6) Click “Play” and ignore if pop-up says that you can’t play online, click “Play Offline”.
7) Choose now, if host or join a game.
8) Change nick with “DST_Nickname_Changer.reg” in the main game folder (if this doesn’t work, try to read under “Notes“).
How to Host server
Start Tunngle –> Enter in “Don’t Starve Together” room –> (in-game)Play Online –> Host Server –> Set it up –> Start/Resume Server. Now your friend can join your server.
How to Join a server
Start Tunngle –> Enter in “Don’t Starve Together” room –> (in-game)Play Online –> Now in the settings you MUST set “Show LAN: YES” –> Refresh –> Enter in friend server.
1) Go to “…datascriptsscreens”.
2) Open “modsscreen.lua” with NotePad.
3) Press CTRL + F to find “self:StartWorkshopUpdate()”.
4) Change it in “self:WorkshopUpdateComplete()”.
5) Save.