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Description![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUVKUHNY5Mg The NIV_ An 'In-Depth' Documentation Of Apostasy Though professing to be a Bible put out by Evangelicals and theological Conservatives, the New International Version subtracts 64,098 words from the Biblical text. In other words, for every 11.34 words in the text, there is one word missing. Since a study of Bible versions is one of the best ways to monitor the apostasy rampant in modern Christianity, Dr. Ruckman takes up the examination of the latest “darling” of the scholarship, the NIV. He gives you 93 cases where the NIV perverts the text of the Holy Bible (AV 1611) and in so doing attacks some key doctrine of the Christian faith, destroys doctrinal revelation, hides the sins of the translators and revisers, and removes the faith of the reader in God’s words and replaces it with faith in Christian scholarship. Marriage, Divorce And Remarriage One of the most misunderstood teachings among Fundamental, Bible-believing Christians today is what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. In an attempt to enforce Pharisaical standards, Christians who have gone through this unfortunate experience have been ostracized by “the brethren.” The material in this booklet has been taught by the author, without change, since the beginning of his ministry around 1951. He has not had to adjust to his circumstances once in all that time because it comes from the infallible word of God, the Holy Scriptures. In this work, Dr. Ruckman defines marriage from the Bible and then gives you exactly what the Scriptures say about the dissolving of the marriage bonds and the circumstances in which remarriage is allowed, with no admixture of opinion or tradition. This booklet is not designed in any way to promote the practice of divorce, but to give hope and comfort from the Scriptures to those who have gone through it. Hyper-Dispensationalism This study discusses a heresy found in some Fundamental and Bible-believing circles. Dr. Ruckman calls this heresy, with “tongue in cheek,” the “Dry Cleaners” because those who teach it are as hung upon non-baptism as the Campbellites are on water baptism. The Hyper-dispensationalists wrongly divide “the word of truth” to get rid of New Testament believer’s baptism and Baptist churches. Not only will Dr. Ruckman examine the practice of water baptism in relation to the teachings and practices of the Apostle Paul, he will also examine exactly when both the local church and the Body of Christ began in the Scriptures and how that affects New Testament preaching and practice. The false teachings of the Hyper-dispensationalists are defined and rebuked from Scripture, with special attention given to the Hyper-dispensational perversions of passages in Ephesians 3 and 4. Hyper-Calvinism One of the things that will kill a church’s or an individual believer’s zeal for evangelizing the lost is an over-emphasis on the doctrines taught by John Calvin. Of the five points of Calvin’s “TULIP,” four are unscriptural heresies. This work is not a blanket condemnation of all Calvinists, but in it, Dr. Ruckman does examine the false teachings involved in Calvin’s views of Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, and Irresistible Grace. As in all his works, Dr. Ruckman will give you what the Scriptures say in such matters and not merely what they are presumed to teach. He will show you how Calvin’s system is one of religious philosophy and not Biblical theology. Bible Numerics Numbers, like colors, have universal significance. The mathematical phenomena presented here prove the Bible to be supernaturally inspired, written, and preserved. About the New Scofield Reference Bible In an attempt to hijack the readership of the original Scofield Reference Bible which retained the text of the Authorized Version, the editors of the New Scofield Reference Bible changed the text of their work in something like 500 places while claiming to publish the Authorized Version; that is, they lied! Just as the “New” King James Version smuggled the readings of the Revised Standard Version into the King James text, the New Scofield Reference Bible smuggled the readings of the defunked American Standard Version into the text of the Authorized Version. In this work, Dr. Ruckman shows you where the editors of the NSRB lied about their text. And although Oxford Press now publishes an edition of the NSRB with the actual KJV text, they still print the altered text right along with the new edition, so the material in this work is relevant as it was when it was first published. About The New King James Version This study was written to expose the most subtle, crafty piece of deception perpetrated against the Body of Christ since the publication of the New American Standard Version. If the reader will open the Authorized Version (any edition printed at any time by anyone) and carefully check each of the references given in this booklet, he will discover the startling, grisly truth that the so-called “New” King James Version is simply the readings of the Revised Standard Version of the Liberal National Council of Churches smuggled into the text of the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible. Dr. Ruckman exposes the desperate tactics of the apostate Conservatives and Evangelicals who got together to pawn off this fake King James Version on an unsuspecting Christian public. Differences in the King James Version Editions "The English Bible as left by the translators has come down to us unaltered in respect to its text." In this work, Dr. Ruckman presents a listing and critique of the editions of the Authorized Version. ![]() Dr. Peter S. Ruckman received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Alabama and finished his formal education with six years of training at Bob Jones University (four full years and two accelerated summer sessions), completing requirements for the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degree. Reading at a rate of seven hundred words per minute, Dr. Ruckman had managed to read about 6,500 books before receiving his doctorate, and he still reads an average of a book each day. Dr. Ruckman stands for the absolute authority of the Authorized Version and offers no apology to any recognized scholar anywhere for his stand. In addition to preaching the gospel and teaching the Bible, Dr. Ruckman has produced a comprehensive collection of apologetic and polemic literature and resources supporting the authority of the Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures. Buy: http://www.kjv1611.org/ http://amzn.to/1dYWtcj ![]() Sharing Widget |
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