| | Course Info _ CS-184.pdf | 60.89 KB |
| | CS184_284A - Information.pdf | 82.3 KB |
| | Novo Documento de texto.txt | 63 bytes |
| | Syllabus _ CS-184.pdf | 43.37 KB |
| | Homework 0.docx | 29.19 KB |
| | Homework 0.pdf | 189.1 KB |
| | homework_Additional_Libraries.zip | 404.24 KB |
| | homework_hw0-linuxosx.zip | 7.05 MB |
| | homework_hw0-windows_VS2012.zip | 4.94 MB |
| | 1.1 - Motivation.mp4 | 192.01 MB |
| | 1.1 - Motivation.txt | 9.75 KB |
| | 1.2 - Course Outline and Logistics.mp4 | 102.39 MB |
| | 1.2 - Course Outline and Logistics.txt | 6.42 KB |
| | 1.3 - History.mp4 | 192.01 MB |
| | 1.3 - History.txt | 12.17 KB |
| | History of Computer Animation P1.webm | 26.63 MB |
| | History of Computer Animation P2.webm | 27.11 MB |
| | slides_overview.pdf | 538.04 KB |
| | 2.1 - Vectors and Dot Products.mp4 | 150.9 MB |
| | 2.1 - Vectors and Dot Products.txt | 10.71 KB |
| | 2.2 - Cross Products.mp4 | 83.29 MB |
| | 2.2 - Cross Products.txt | 5.04 KB |
| | 2.3 - Creating a Coordinate Frame.mp4 | 72.85 MB |
| | 2.3 - Creating a Coordinate Frame.txt | 4.28 KB |
| | 2.4 - Matrices.mp4 | 115.88 MB |
| | 2.4 - Matrices.txt | 7.05 KB |
| | Quizes.docx | 99.93 KB |
| | slides_basicmath.pdf | 539.13 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 222 bytes |
| | A00001.html | 10.7 KB |
| | A00002.html | 8.34 KB |
| | A00003.html | 3.82 KB |
| | A00004.html | 2.39 KB |
| | A00005.html | 5.09 KB |
| | A00006.html | 15.96 KB |
| | A00007.html | 2.74 KB |
| | A00008.html | 3 KB |
| | A00009.html | 2.59 KB |
| | A00010.html | 2.71 KB |
| | Email.png | 667 bytes |
| | g-truc.png | 16.35 KB |
| | logo.png | 3.86 KB |
| | OPENGL.jpg | 3.25 KB |
| | SourceForge.gif | 1.47 KB |
| | style.css | 3.7 KB |
| | TITLE.png | 6.3 KB |
| | logo1024x0640.png | 28.54 KB |
| | logo1280x0800.png | 40.37 KB |
| | logo1600x1000.png | 54.08 KB |
| | logo1920x1200.png | 69.78 KB |
| | logo2560x1600.png | 81.71 KB |
| | tenby-five.otf | 15.81 KB |
| | 0029-mini.jpg | 10.6 KB |
| | 0029.jpg | 74.73 KB |
| | font-mini.png | 1.7 KB |
| | font.png | 8.38 KB |
| | logo-mini.png | 8.25 KB |
| | logo.png | 27.22 KB |
| | about.xsl | 2.87 KB |
| | CODE.xsl | 3.55 KB |
| | DATA.xml | 117.44 KB |
| | Download.xsl | 3.43 KB |
| | Dummy.cpp | 1.75 KB |
| | Goodies.xsl | 3.23 KB |
| | link.xsl | 5.05 KB |
| | News.xsl | 2.41 KB |
| | Util.xsl | 6.78 KB |
| | doxygen.css | 14.04 KB |
| | tabs.css | 2.62 KB |
| | about.html | 5.51 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 377 bytes |
| | CODE.html | 20.59 KB |
| | coreModules.doxy | 2.08 KB |
| | Download.html | 25.81 KB |
| | glm-0.9.2.pdf | 351.4 KB |
| | Goodies.html | 4.4 KB |
| | gtcModules.doxy | 3.58 KB |
| | gtxModules.doxy | 12.91 KB |
| | index.html | 62.16 KB |
| | _detail.hpp | 7.16 KB |
| | _fixes.hpp | 694 bytes |
| | _swizzle.hpp | 52.02 KB |
| | Dummy.cpp | 741 bytes |
| | func_common.hpp | 13.58 KB |
| | func_exponential.hpp | 3.14 KB |
| | func_geometric.hpp | 3.85 KB |
| | func_integer.hpp | 6.63 KB |
| | func_matrix.hpp | 4.05 KB |
| | func_noise.hpp | 2.25 KB |
| | half_float.hpp | 13.42 KB |
| | matrix_access.hpp | 2.02 KB |
| | matrix_integer.hpp | 20.37 KB |
| | matrix_inverse.hpp | 1.61 KB |
| | matrix_transform.hpp | 5.13 KB |
| | quaternion.hpp | 7.17 KB |
| | Swizzle.hpp | 11.68 KB |
| | type_precision.hpp | 18.65 KB |
| | type_ptr.hpp | 10.46 KB |
| | associated_min_max.hpp | 2.82 KB |
| | Bit.hpp | 3.41 KB |
| | closest_point.hpp | 1.54 KB |
| | color_cast.hpp | 10.03 KB |
| | color_space.hpp | 2.5 KB |
| | color_space_YCoCg.hpp | 2.35 KB |
| | compatibility.hpp | 18.67 KB |
| | component_wise.hpp | 2.01 KB |
| | Epsilon.hpp | 1.8 KB |
| | euler_angles.hpp | 4.94 KB |
| | xstream.hpp | 4.94 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 1.57 KB |
| | ext.hpp | 3.26 KB |
| | glm.hpp | 3.65 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 997 bytes |
| | core_func_common.cpp | 4.11 KB |
| | core_func_exponential.cpp | 4.18 KB |
| | core_func_geometric.cpp | 4.18 KB |
| | core_func_integer.cpp | 3.72 KB |
| | core_func_matrix.cpp | 1.63 KB |
| | core_func_noise.cpp | 4.18 KB |
| | core_func_packing.cpp | 4.18 KB |
| | core_func_trigonometric.cpp | 4.11 KB |
| | core_func_vector_relational.cpp | 4.11 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 322 bytes |
| | gtc_half_float.cpp | 5.1 KB |
| | gtc_matrix_access.cpp | 10.05 KB |
| | gtc_matrix_integer.cpp | 646 bytes |
| | gtc_matrix_inverse.cpp | 646 bytes |
| | gtc_matrix_transform.cpp | 751 bytes |
| | gtc_quaternion.cpp | 1.03 KB |
| | gtc_swizzle.cpp | 4.5 KB |
| | gtc_type_precision.cpp | 5.33 KB |
| | gtc_type_ptr.cpp | 2.32 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 321 bytes |
| | gtx_bit.cpp | 3.73 KB |
| | gtx_noise.cpp | 1.39 KB |
| | gtx_quaternion.cpp | 4.67 KB |
| | gtx_random.cpp | 2.82 KB |
| | gtx_rotate_vector.cpp | 2.31 KB |
| | gtx_simd_mat4.cpp | 7.63 KB |
| | gtx_simd_vec4.cpp | 1.17 KB |
| | gtx_string_cast.cpp | 2.95 KB |
| | gtx_ulp.cpp | 2.24 KB |
| | gtx_vector_angle.cpp | 2.27 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 311 bytes |
| | AUTOEXP.txt | 462 bytes |
| | autoexp.vc2010.dat | 130.2 KB |
| | FindGLM.cmake | 327 bytes |
| | gen_external_templates.py | 5.54 KB |
| | glm_core.cpp | 4.64 KB |
| | usertype.dat | 5.58 KB |
| | CMakeLists.txt | 825 bytes |
| | COPYING.txt | 1.08 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 18.85 KB |
| | glew.h | 833.37 KB |
| | glut.h | 20.36 KB |
| | glxew.h | 55.42 KB |
| | wglew.h | 49.46 KB |
| | FreeImage.h | 53.34 KB |
| | FreeImage.lib | 62.72 KB |
| | glew32.lib | 499.87 KB |
| | glut32.lib | 27.84 KB |
| | light.frag.glsl | 2.88 KB |
| | light.vert.glsl | 424 bytes |
| | grader.cpp | 3.71 KB |
| | grader.h | 1.35 KB |
| | hw1-windows.vcxproj | 4.16 KB |
| | hw1-windows.vcxproj.filters | 2.17 KB |
| | hw1-windows.vcxproj.user | 377 bytes |
| | input.txt | 1.33 KB |
| | main.cpp | 8.71 KB |
| | Shaders.cpp | 2.25 KB |
| | Shaders.h | 355 bytes |
| | Transform.cpp | 857 bytes |
| | Transform.h | 847 bytes |
| | light.frag.glsl | 2.88 KB |
| | light.vert.glsl | 424 bytes |
| | hw1-windows.sdf | 41.5 MB |
| | hw1-windows.sln | 900 bytes |
| | hw1-windows.suo | 17.5 KB |
| | hw1-windows.v11.suo | 35.5 KB |
| | Homework 1.docx | 53.96 KB |
| | homework_hw1-linuxosx.zip | 9.99 MB |
| | homework_hw1-windows.zip | 5.04 MB |
| | homework_hw1-windows_VS2012.zip | 5.04 MB |
| | 1. Basic 2D Transformations.mp4 | 145.54 MB |
| | 1. Basic 2D Transformations.txt | 10.74 KB |
| | 2. Composing Transformations.mp4 | 60.75 MB |
| | 2. Composing Transformations.txt | 3.94 KB |
| | 3. 3D Rotations.mp4 | 190.16 MB |
| | 3. 3D Rotations.txt | 12.08 KB |
| | Exercise 1.pdf | 81.59 KB |
| | exercise 2.pdf | 72.12 KB |
| | Exercise 3.pdf | 69.62 KB |
| | slides_transforms1.pdf | 394.3 KB |
| | 1. Homogeneous Coordinates.mp4 | 258.93 MB |
| | 1. Homogeneous Coordinates.txt | 16.06 KB |
| | 2. Transforming Normals.mp4 | 66.85 MB |
| | 2. Transforming Normals.txt | 4.52 KB |
| | 3. Rotations and Coordinate Frames.mp4 | 82.72 MB |
| | 3. Rotations and Coordinate Frames.txt | 5.42 KB |
| | 4. Derivation of gluLookAt.mp4 | 93.89 MB |
| | 4. Derivation of gluLookAt.txt | 6.35 KB |
| | Exercise 1.pdf | 132.3 KB |
| | exercise 2.pdf | 128.41 KB |
| | 1. Ortographic Projection.mp4 | 127.66 MB |
| | 1. Ortographic Projection.txt | 9.27 KB |
| | 2. Perspective Projection.mp4 | 66.93 MB |
| | 2. Perspective Projection.txt | 4.09 KB |
| | 3. Derivation of gluPerspective.mp4 | 154.66 MB |
| | 3. Derivation of gluPerspective.txt | 10.69 KB |
| | Exercise 1.pdf | 96.98 KB |
| | exercise 2.pdf | 25.21 KB |
| | Exercise 3.pdf | 61.67 KB |
| | slides_viewing.pdf | 427.19 KB |
| | viewing-bw.pdf | 217.23 KB |
| | Notes.odt | 65.85 KB |
| | playlist.mpcpl | 3.82 KB |
| | Rotation matrix.pdf | 889.99 KB |
| | Homework 2.docx | 41.44 KB |
| | Homework 2.pdf | 535.22 KB |
| | homework_hw2-linuxosx.zip | 8.78 MB |
| | homework_hw2-windows.zip | 4.83 MB |
| | homework_hw2-windows_VS2012.zip | 4.83 MB |
| | 1. Overview.mp4 | 121.4 MB |
| | 1. Overview.txt | 7.42 KB |
| | 2. Buffers and Matrices.mp4 | 124.23 MB |
| | 2. Buffers and Matrices.txt | 7.71 KB |
| | 3. Window System Interaction and Callbacks.mp4 | 74.1 MB |
| | 3. Window System Interaction and Callbacks.txt | 4.66 KB |
| | 4. Drawing.mp4 | 240.81 MB |
| | 4. Drawing.txt | 13.48 KB |
| | 5. Initializing Shaders.mp4 | 57.98 MB |
| | 5. Initializing Shaders.txt | 6.08 KB |
| | 1. Motivation.mp4 | 198.7 MB |
| | 1. Motivation.txt | 12.1 KB |
| | 2. Gouraud and Phong.mp4 | 133.31 MB |
| | 2. Gouraud and Phong.txt | 8.73 KB |
| | 3. Lightining and Shading.mp4 | 287.31 MB |
| | 3. Lightining and Shading.txt | 19.35 KB |
| | 4. Fragment Shader.mp4 | 154.06 MB |
| | 4. Fragment Shader.txt | 9.85 KB |
| | Exercise 1.pdf | 40.09 KB |
| | exercise 2.pdf | 24.72 KB |
| | 1. Geometry.mp4 | 131.11 MB |
| | 1. Geometry.txt | 6.83 KB |
| | 2. Matrix Stacks.mp4 | 136.15 MB |
| | 2. Matrix Stacks.txt | 6.8 KB |
| | 3. Z-buffer.mp4 | 88.09 MB |
| | 3. Z-buffer.txt | 4.51 KB |
| | 4. Animation.mp4 | 39.35 MB |
| | 4. Animation.txt | 2.14 KB |
| | 5. Textures.mp4 | 145.21 MB |
| | 5. Textures.txt | 7.75 KB |
| | classes.pdf | 216.02 KB |
| | HOMEWORK 3.docx | 35.63 KB |
| | HOMEWORK 3.pdf | 382.81 KB |
| | homework_hw3-submissionscenes.zip | 1.02 MB |
| | sec05_UsingFreeImage.pdf | 123.06 KB |
| | 1. Camera Ray Tracing.mp4 | 114.14 MB |
| | 2. Ray-Object Intersections.mp4 | 162.7 MB |
| | 3. Lightining Calculations.mp4 | 56.64 MB |
| | 4. Recursive Ray Tracing.mp4 | 96.99 MB |
| | Exercise 1.pdf | 42.37 KB |
| | exercise 2.pdf | 126.94 KB |
| | Exercise 3.pdf | 23.84 KB |
| | Exercise 4.pdf | 24.73 KB |
| | raytrace2-bw.pdf | 195.1 KB |
| | slides_raytrace2.pdf | 533.09 KB |
| | 1. Ray Casting.mp4 | 145.07 MB |
| | 1. Ray Casting.txt | 9.16 KB |
| | 2. Shadows and Reflections.mp4 | 85.5 MB |
| | 2. Shadows and Reflections.txt | 5.35 KB |
| | 3. Intersections.mp4 | 212.54 MB |
| | 3. Intersections.txt | 13.87 KB |
| | 4. Optimizations.mp4 | 52.99 MB |
| | 4. Optimizations.txt | 3.65 KB |
| | Exercise 1.pdf | 25.3 KB |
| | exercise 2.pdf | 27.19 KB |