Ehmm Theory- Everything & Small Doses (001-004)seeders: 5
leechers: 2
Ehmm Theory- Everything & Small Doses (001-004) (Size: 329.67 MB)
Before I start with what this Torrent is for, I would just like to say THANK YOU to every single one of you who scan/upload comic books. This is my first attempt at scanning comics, and while I have only done four issues (so far), these four were an absolute PAIN to scan. Not to mention that it took me a few hours to re-learn how to use my scanner, and once that was took me in total around eight hours just to scan four books (scanning, then cropping, then cropping again for things that I missed). My respect for all scanners (which was already high) has tripled after seeing all that is involved for scanning a book. It definitely isn't easy (or fast to do).
I bought this scanner about five years ago (I think), but it was only for doing camera negatives. So my brain had to unlearn what I had learned for negatives and try to learn comic pages. My biggest problem was with HalfTone, but after thirty minutes online...I just had to uncheck one feature and check another. So if my scans are "Crap" to you, just realize that this is/was my first attempt. Believe me, if you think these are should see my first and second takes before edits were made. lol Those were horrible! I also think that my file sizes are so large because I used PhotoShop for my editing. I don't usually see too many comic issues so high in file size (they are usually half the size of what mine ended up being). Anyway, now for the comic itself. ![]() This is the sequel to Ehmm Theory, a four part mini-series that has a "Sliders" vibe to it (in my opinion). I first found out about this series from the FCBD issue of Zombie Tramp that previewed the sequel (what my torrent covers). I downloaded the first arc/story but couldn't find the sequel anywhere online. There was a reason for that. NO ONE scanned the sequel. I was shocked. So I took it upon myself and went online to buy the single issues (since scanning a thicker TPB would be troublesome). If you enjoyed the sequel, here is the first story: Torrent: Ehmm Theory (01 - 04) (complete) (- Nem -) For those of you who like to have info in your issue titles, here you go: Ehmm Theory: Everything & Small Doses Issue 01 (September 2014)[TempScans] Ehmm Theory: Everything & Small Doses Issue 02 (October 2014)[TempScans] Ehmm Theory: Everything & Small Doses Issue 03 (November 2014) [TempScans] Ehmm Theory: Everything & Small Doses Issue 04 (December 2014)[TempScans] The "TempScans" is what I call myself, since scanning teams/people seem to have some sort of name and an image at the end of the comics that they scan. I'll be doing fourteen comics so far, and possibly some Fangoria/Starlog magazine issues if I can buy them online. I don't think that I'll be doing that many comic scans since 99% of them are already covered, but maybe I'll find something else that needs to be given the scanning treatment (no head explosions I promise). My second scan project is for a series that has already been uploaded online. Problem is, it had four issues that were very low quality/small images. So my scans will be higher quality/larger images. I'm not sure how the others will look in comparison, but I'm guessing that they might be a little better. We'll see. Expect to see that in six days (so this coming Saturday). Sharing WidgetAll Comments |
Last resort: If the Nemesis link isn't working for you, try my Zombie Tramp torrent. Yeah, it sounds weird...but if you look at the files, you'll see that the first story for Ehmm Theory is there. Just uncheck all the other files that you won't be needing. :)